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Mistress To Married Man...No Way!

Chapter 3 I thought Mrs king

Word Count: 991    |    Released on: 22/08/2023

here, too,” she said as sh

um’s fairly tied up in Broom


ay to be on hand to greet you and make

r table. Elizabeth King would undoubtedly direct the conversation to

Mum is a diploma

ir mother had to work at welding their separate interests into a reasonably harmonious unit. “Isn’t ther

aken place since then. Having been wrong on that score with Tommy and Nathan, and with no mention b

pearls. He’s hardly ever here,” came the offhand reply. “You’ll probably meet


han the Hewson family. All three of the King brothers would be used to getting what they wanted, just as Bobby was. When they married, it would undoubtedly

keep those uses strictly defined. No blurred lines. However attractive

a brick wall around him, it could stay totally intact, as far as she was concerned. Jared

completely on Eliz

rounded the solid cedar door Tommy opened for her. As she stepped into the main entrance hall, she realised it ran right through to the back of the

riches, she was momentarily dazed by all there was to see. Much of the decor had an Asian influence, ye

imb up like a mountain, blocking everything else out. He had to be well over six foot, broad-shouldered, broad-chested

that seemed to hit her whole nervous system, leaving her with an odd tremulous feeling that was deeply

e. His face could have been carved out of brown granite—all hard, sharp planes. Even the curves of his mouth seemed

ere laser-sharp blue eyes, the vivid intensity of their colour made all the more stunning by his darkly tanned

to King’s

sat on an ornately carved armchair, its rich scarlet and gold silk upholstery forming a str

re, Mrs King,” Miranda managed to reply with c

ion. She waved attention back to her son. “This is Nathan, who has the cont

ned, but the long years of training for greeting people urged her forward. Taking the initiative always broke the ice. She had t

y were alarmingly shaky as she stepped forward to offer her hand to Nathan King. Thi

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1 Chapter 1 Mistress to a married 2 Chapter 2 Just tell me 3 Chapter 3 I thought Mrs king4 Chapter 4 Nathan was stunned 5 Chapter 5 The words were spoken 6 Chapter 6 Needing to push 7 Chapter 7 Miranda was already 8 Chapter 8 How did one switch 9 Chapter 9 Play10 Chapter 10 Miranda frowned11 Chapter 11 Mistress 12 Chapter 12 The playing ended13 Chapter 13 It relates to my family 14 Chapter 14 It was good 15 Chapter 15 Someone coming 16 Chapter 16 It was Tommy 17 Chapter 17 Not at all18 Chapter 18 Day after day19 Chapter 19 Mr hewson mentioned 20 Chapter 20 Tension 21 Chapter 21 From that moment 22 Chapter 22 It was her job 23 Chapter 23 Ten past six24 Chapter 24 No she cried 25 Chapter 25 Nathan had taken 26 Chapter 26 A pleasant piece 27 Chapter 27 Miranda had no 28 Chapter 28 As it was29 Chapter 29 Nathan waited in his 30 Chapter 30 I couldn't give 31 Chapter 31 A wedding Elizabeth 32 Chapter 32 A king family 33 Chapter 33 Had she been too hard 34 Chapter 34 At precisely 35 Chapter 35 Dam36 Chapter 36 At the time I backed 37 Chapter 37 Yes38 Chapter 38 It served to spring 39 Chapter 39 Sam dutifully smiled 40 Chapter 40 Tommy the sec41 Chapter 41 Shall we go42 Chapter 42 Sunset was the given43 Chapter 43 A stream of guests 44 Chapter 44 Elizabeth smiled 45 Chapter 45 For Sam 46 Chapter 46 Vulnerable 47 Chapter 47 Sam stared at Tommy 48 Chapter 48 So she49 Chapter 49 She wasn't 50 Chapter 50 Do you like her 51 Chapter 51 Shock gripped 52 Chapter 52 She shook her head 53 Chapter 53 Baby 54 Chapter 54 Her vision 55 Chapter 55 Christmas day 56 Chapter 56 Tommy jaw57 Chapter 57 She shone58 Chapter 58 Will you come 59 Chapter 59 A man in a suit60 Chapter 60 Of course 61 Chapter 61 Fear because 62 Chapter 62 He parked63 Chapter 63 As he paid 64 Chapter 64 Christabel parked65 Chapter 65 It's probably stuck 66 Chapter 66 Jagged streaks 67 Chapter 67 Special and loved68 Chapter 68 What they had69 Chapter 69 I need to touch 70 Chapter 70 TIGER EYES71 Chapter 71 SOMETHING FELT WRONG72 Chapter 72 IT WAS QUITE 73 Chapter 73 ELIZABETH74 Chapter 74 THERE WERE75 Chapter 75 JARED LET HER GO76 Chapter 76 THE DAY77 Chapter 77 CHRISTABEL DREW78 Chapter 78 JARED KNEW79 Chapter 79 SIX MONTHS ON80 Chapter 80 ISABELLA VELERI81 Chapter 81 GINA82 Chapter 82 BIG AND STRONG83 Chapter 83 DO WE HAVE84 Chapter 84 THEY WERE85 Chapter 85 LADIES AND GENTLEMEN86 Chapter 86 STRANGE87 Chapter 87 SALVATORI88 Chapter 88 MICHELLE89 Chapter 89 A CRY90 Chapter 90 AND THE RAW91 Chapter 91 MAMA92 Chapter 92 HADNT SHE93 Chapter 93 GINA94 Chapter 94 CONTROL95 Chapter 95 ALEX96 Chapter 96 THIS TIME97 Chapter 97 SO YOU98 Chapter 98 HER EYES99 Chapter 99 DANNY100 Chapter 100 THE CORAL REEF