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Author: Dagan


Word Count: 7420    |    Released on: 23/08/2023

in front of a magnificent door. The door had curving of dragons and phoenixes with another unrecognizable bird at the center of

ns of individuals dressed in official

at stress was put upon their minds could easily be reached. All these men and women looked at the muscular man in his golden robes with f

ercing, and he will surely survive this calamity," said one of the more submissive officials trying to calm the anxious

though Great Ming was a power unto itself, her national power was far fr

as something a prince should have been prepared for and guarded against, but if the idea from

by the assassins' poisoned blades. Before the killers had the chance to finish the job and escape like smoke through a chimney, the mighty king of the Great Ming, Anders Ming arrived in response to the prince's screams and quic

Zen has skills enough to put the reaper to tears. He is sure to save the young prince from the stinky jaws of death. " Said

son, okay?" the king a

uccumbed to his injuries. His highness p

ing petrified and the officials weak to their kne

were dumbfounded with their eyes almost popping out of their skulls and their mouths

that what was to follow in the wake of the prince's death was death and bloodshed,

a similar scene pla

fficials, but that time around, these officials were smiling in joy for the king and the kingdom, finally, after years of marriage, a living heir to the th

h his cultivation at the limit of known levels of cultivation, he had no rivals

ssness, his officials could only see a would-be father terr

children were stillborn, all the officials could not stop themselves from sighin

bout. This issue brought great pain and suffering to the beautiful queen as she became the talk of the kingdom for her failure to give

lace, sounds of heavenly music were heard by all the peoples of Great Ming. Stars appeared in bright daylight causing all who

say anything, the wisest of the officials, Li Chen the prime minister of the

ing absolute darkness in its wake, and the heavenly sounds became

lows dying right before their eyes, they started panicking but no

The demonic sounds stopped as if they didn't dare compete with the baby's first cry, th

he king kicked open the doo

the king knelt in wonder and overflowing love, he didn't care about the so-c

the world!" said the king to his exhauste

nnounced to the world with great pomp and flare. King Ming Anders ens

he Eden continent associated with darkness. The Rakan race was mostly a myth on the Eden continent but the fear their name induced in the masses was not to be underestimated. In the myths and legends, the Rakan race was the most powerful in the world.

rted walking, at four months, he was already a fluent

inds on the continent to teach him about poetry, chess, military tactics, g

intellect was way beyond t

chers and in the tenth renewed year 700,007 of the Eternal Yang Empire the now ten-year-o

dom? He should still be suckling on his mother's tit, not meddling with mat

nst the king, his temper was legendary, a single wrong word coul

in the court chambers. He did not speak nor show any expression on his face. All he did was listen to all

e financial aid to return life to normal after the recent flood that devasted

ing and support during this diffic

owed a change in expression for the fir

such a matter was discussed. Just two days prior, the court had discussed the destruction of the Wooden City in the same region, and in this case, the death toll was so high

s regarding this matter?" asked the k

in Infront of the standing officials. The court chambers were

s of the sea winds, the great continental winds only blow towards the continent twice a year. Sure, we can say that due to some changes in the weather patterns, the great continental winds now blow toward the contin

d the king were deep in thought as

u, you will head to the Imperfect City immediatel

." replied the bowing f

had been sending false reports of floods for the past ten years. He used the gold he received to

city. To keep the other officials silent, he shared with them a portion of his ill-got

heavens. The mayor and all the local officials

torture, they confe

their assets seized. Their nine generations wer

, politician, tactician, and lawmaker. To top it all off, he cultivated at godly speeds

han half of the ki

that Xerxes was a genius bestowed

ienced countless assassination attempts from neighboring kingdoms

g put in place the most strict

iscuss the prince's location and ha

ck to th

perhaps form beneficial relationships with the young genius. Many gifts and marriage offer

ang Chu, prince of the Great Chu Empire has come to of

of the Ming kingdom well, an imperial prince would not have to make the journey him

d be described as gorgeous walked through the

't bow or show any respect for the king " Where is this s

ivation, the demigod stage. With these seven demigods, the Chu empire was able to carve out the southern part of Eden as its own, and with an iron fist, it used blood to hold onto its territories. This empire could not be cal

people, these kinds of kingdoms were left to exist only in name. Their kings were puppets . These puppet kings paid tribute to the mighty Chu empire every year without fail, and those that for some reason failed, would be promptly exterminated by the Chu forward army. The only reason for

dday with its light reaching every Conner of the south. Not even a s

here there is light,

Empire were able to keep their consciousness free

hen the Great Ming Kingdom was able to rise to a height wher

rs of the continent in a few thousand years. The kingdom conquered

self every time. His military tactics became legendary

emigod existences with at least one of them at the peak of the demi

years, this newly risen kingdom was unexpectedly considered the strongest in the S

thing the South had not s

nd empire were to raise, war with the Chu empire would be unavoidable. Thud would thrust the entire sou

ugh conquests that lasted for over 500 years. He then took another five hu

inished consolidating his power, he would resume

quests and historians and scholars refer to this period as the Blood Age. Du

e cities and destroyed tens of kingdoms. All who refused to sur

d by a combination of all the four empires of the Ede

ires would not attack the Kingdom and King Ming would bring an end to the Blood Ag

no sense. The truth of the matter was that he understood that he did not have the power to face King Ming

l he could break through to the theoretical god stage, at this level, th

d seven demigods in

included, one a prince and the other, th

Chu Empire was indeed the gr

res and the great Ming kingdom were threats,

ling on his mummy's tits .?"Wang Chu's words were still a

. Every one knew that the ruthless and even bloodier King Ming loved hi

rom the empires.King Ming was prepared to take on the empires but his wife simply requested for a

the king's face was nothing short of a death sentence for the prince and if

uards attacked with even more fury and rage tha

rds with black spears came

ince's guards and an old man in blu

he other guests and officials had already moved to the sides of the hall

the hall ,fierc

ng himself .He did not just end at training them ,he had taken them with him duri

ght .The prince stood at the center, se

king would never dare kill an im

he long spears ,the prince continued smili

blood and spilled guts

g the prince .This man was a stage six cultivator set by emperor Chu to protect his son . Althoug

cted the prince but this instruction was of

rried about ,do you actually think this so

ly .Every one seemed to know that the

l this time without saying anything.He simply looked a


the king in disbelief.Some one act

he prince with tears almo

s time ,the entire hall shook a

en constructed using the best mat

ing's voice made the hearts of

ly realized the

ling all the terrifying history

er got in the way of his conquest ,

res had to combine their might and even then

ontorted with fear and ang

wn and the guests looked around,they saw a headless body stan

he body painting the

spraying out of the old man's body ,it fell w

alked back to his thron

g ,when I say kneel ,yo

was for the prince alone ,had they been in the positio

six cultivator to deat

,stage six cultivators were respected people wherever they went and their power

in ,guest hurriedly fell

have two breaths to convince me t

,my mind was confused.This lowly on

ldn't kill a humbled prince of the Chu empire

corching everything.The prince was

r but no one interfered .The fi

g was left in the hall floor,even

gust of wind blew the prince's ashes

as he did all this with out harming any of the gues

n the empire declared war on t

tion was swiftly beheaded by King M

respond with anything less than war when its prince is burnt to ashes not even leavi

fire in Infront of his court

ire and the kingdom can no lo

shown by the kingdom showed the world that King Ming had never given up my his ambitions of continental conquest.

ital with the commoners cheering for the army's victory

ed as though the king had always been wa

he desert plains of Anan which formed a b

onths in the sunny desert l

as cheap as the sa

ly became the losing side. The kingdom was led by the king himself but the em

n within a year and even matched into the terr

Emperor Chu finally realized that he had

. To them, it seemed even more profitable to let the empire be crushed by the kingdom and then the

es, Emperor Chu was not surprised, h

ing week and the two had a private conver

g declared an end to his co

d the end of the war and also the betr

between the prince and the princess but also the difference in cultivation. Princess Chu was a

in the South if not the whole continent. It was said that her b

t could capture a man's heart at first site. To top it all off she

igods and Princess Evelyn was one of thes

ion genius reaching the dem

ld take about 100 years t

all of them and this was viewed by t

ly guess what he was thinking. The scholars of the conti

This stopped it from deploying its most powerful assets from key locations limiting its military mig

as trying to calm the king's rage and the king accepted the off

were displeased by the premature end of the war were the war merchants. These people mai

ot, all they cared about was that the war was finally over. Even if they had to sacri

wer. These few individuals could see that if an alliance were to be formed between the Great Ming and the Chu Empire, a power

ntain surrounded by people in mourning clothes. On this cloudy day, the only princ

juries having accomplished nothing more than a commoner. In the histo

nced all the implicated officials to death so that

ation with foreign powers were sen

r at the mountain top and beside the altar, an

were bound tightly and made t

ioner holding a long sharp heavy blade ready

eard from the officials bu

poke up for the officials co

ing to itself. "The heavenly dao will not give me any chance for a comeback, not after the last war for heaven. But it doesn't matter,

he void causing even the darkness to shake as though

in sight, he suddenly stopped laughing as th

I remember that for me to re-enter the world, I will need a body whose destiny is that of pure light and

erse closest to the void suddenly cracked. The cracking soun

gazed upon the wall, he quickly

r, does anyone still remember, the all-powerful being who dared oppose heaven, doe

not care that the world w

this universe coming into existen

hing interesting happened, it might be what gi

eing opened its

of light came from the eyes and pe

ing living or dead, past a

ere is no way the heavens would help me unless the heavens are truly blind as stated by so

ter the cost, I just need to fix this u

ame out and landed on the wall, before long, the cracks in the wall started fixing th

e void and sighed as if he di

entering the universe, its speed was akin to teleportation as

lashed as if the end of the world had finally arrived except that this ending, accord

ened its eyes w

at I am in d

adually, blurry images started appear

f nothing had happened. Everyone l

f the prince followed by a world-ending scene as if

ne saw the prince's

o the hearts o

nd wide but were dismissed as tales made up by housewives to scare

body calmly and gracefully g

he living, from today onwards all mortals shall kowtow

ith his egotistic tirade, al

came to its senses and suddenly stopped ta

ing this golden opportunity for me. I must act as this body's former host so that I can be accepted by these lower life f

ed to be passing by and when he saw a young and talented individual such as myself being put in a g

s frozen for some time then the tears

by heaven. All sentenced to death will be impri

amber inside the

t Xerxes who was s

enly spoke, " Who are you and what have you done with my son? you

as if finally meeting the

y the proclaimed sages, a parent always knows these things. Yes, I am not your son, his soul has long departed this dimensi

oose to let me borrow this body, I will fulfill all the dreams of its former host and even go beyond those dreams in an attempt to repay this karma, for example, I see that you are stuck at the ninth stage of

erxes for some time

ved you for some time but after my grief passing, I would kill you or as you said tried to. Logically, your possessing my son's body should not bother me since by burying it in the ground I undoubte

that the name Ming has eternal glory and respect, and you must come up with a way to make me believe and trust your

conditions, as for trusting my word, let's

the floor then both of them enter

ng," said the

ow much about heavenly oaths but I have read about them so just

eal with you so that I can pay my karmic debt, as for you delaying my return, that time has lon

rounded both of them ." Quickly, Xerxes said his oath

my oath to you, this I

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