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Word Count: 5274    |    Released on: 23/08/2023

the Ming kingdom and beyond. All individuals heard of this apparent miracle

rstood that information of this magnitude could not be suppressed forever since the truth always

mation using his kingdom's

ations to the

his chambers. This was to reduce the people's fear of the unknown. People's fear

of Xerxes first told about him being saved by a powerf

requested King Ming buy to find a way for him

up with a version that claimed that the prince was so blessed even death didn't da

od that something was being hidden from them. The only reason they hadn't stormed the Ming royal palace

g on. She quietly listened to the emperor. After he was done, she slowly opened her eyes and to t

r eyes going back

the protagonist of the many stories was in a cultivation chamber inside th

the center of the ch

t about the concept of time itself to the point that I neglected to account for it in my plans. According to my new calculations I have about 80 years before the heavens discover my intrusion and force me out ag

e many different ways to break the oath but I can't afford to waste time breaking the oath when I can simply carry out things as

f as he got a scroll from

oll and carefully

ed to achieve control over all fire energies but it was nothing more than a mortal cultivatio

come fire itself. The cultivator achieved this by absorbing fire energies

body, it would be more suitable for fire-attributed beasts. fix

ime, he finished fixing the flow of the technique. He then proceeded to add on t

ion realm because he believed that it wa

to pick his cultivation technique from in front of the door to the cultivation chamber

ace, went on to put up sealing, defense, concea

meditation position t

body will explode within five months. The only solution now is to seal about 99.6% of my soul. This will limit the techniques I can

sealing technique which I created long ago to seal the ne

hrough the entire plan, he

became ext

in could be heard from the chamber. This went o

s sat still for over a day b

red as if he had bee

rong with little girls but still, I truly hope nobody heard my screams sigh What was I expecting if not at least pain beyond comp

raight to his bed chamber where he had a bath and ate his first meal since es

ck straight to the cultivation chamber wit

ion chamber once more, Xerxes

his continent, there are no demon beasts yet these beasts are at the core of my plan to restructure my essence. The only thing closest to fulfilling my desired criteria is a level-one wolf. Although wolves have been known to cultivate to become extremely powerful even enabling the formation of a mighty clan

ast. How the mighty have fallen. I could ask the king to get it

ate the beast. The pill should not be too powerful as that may damage the bloodline. Although I have

mber. He moved at a fast pace

e with bright eyes Her body had curves in all the right places. Xerxes looked at her w

immediately look away in shame for act

miss," Xerxes asked in

before replying " I a

ide his desire. "Beautiful name, Miss Lui head out a

ou" He then headed back t

before coming back to her senses and rushi

some time, he finally started thinking about alchemy to remind h

hat most stage one alchemists ca

vels from level one to level nine. Beyond level nine is the doma

esponds to an a

n from scratch because there are no such things as coming back to life with past comprehension of the laws of the universe. If that were pos

memories, it would be easy for them to simply take some divine pills and remember memori

heaven ingenious, someone knocked on

the door a

find that it was the m

and then clo

ing her jump a little. She looked at Xerxes

ials, please have a look" She spoke with a soft voi

taining the materia

xes told her while guiding her

he moved to sit in th

worked in the palace?" asked X

s, just five years" sh

e chamber as if sear

r, Xerxes couldn't he

and more information about her and the Eden

nce. She had been sent to the palace as a maid by her father in hope

able talking with Xerxes as though they h

their relationship had moved up in level of intimacy. Without mak

was near her. She turned her face and looked at him with her eyes shaking in fear and an

and locked their

and seemed to be unsure whether wha

ips open. She put up some resistance at fir

and started to explore. Their tongues became inter

, he used one hand to fondle her breast

before long, her moans

d in the chamber, he looked at her, admiring her curves and undeniable beauty.

He kissed her gently, then with increasing passion, his clothes

esires and become more proactive, grabbing Xerxes e

gina. He looked at her before thrusting forward in a single powerful

in and tears roll

tely. He kissed away her tears while caressin

thrusting into her slowly when he saw that she started enjoying it, he increased hi

resting on his bare chest. Xerxes m

don't share so from now on, you are my wom

I will fulfill

five years, before leaving for cultivation I will inform my father of you being my wo

ave you a gift

on technique for Lui. Although he did not have enough time, he made the tech

ill in secluded cultivation trying to break through to the qi gathering stage. The lette

ed to the endless forest a few k

rest, a carriage bearing the crest of the

trolling army officers gave it free rein over the roads. All

course Xerxe

n the carriage and s

a smooth path in life. This will also help me avoid

nt back to his meditation in pr

y using poison. Many people, cultivators, and mortals thought that poison was a di

riage came to a stop

ont of him for a long time be

ted to mutter to himself in a lang

on't know how large it is, I know that this is just a small patch of woods, it is interes

kid wants to enter the Endless Forest at his young age and as if I sense no cultivation from him. As the one who drove him here, am sure to be be

won't be punished by the King as long as I don't die

ment and couldn't find a suitable reply

is senses, Xerxes had alr

forest, he slowed down and started moving

l he had to do was move toward it with

mal to evolve into a demonic beast, it would have to absorb a large amount of qi for its body to become s

ally to the point of there being no difference in its level of in

an, moved slowly towards its territory avoiding all areas

king, he finally entere

rritory, Xerxes increased

could put any experience

aura and smell usi

at and breathing sounds since he was no d

reaths, he spotte

ich he sensed the wolf when

and started watching t

when finally he saw the

of a large dog

yellow and it

e and came back

seven months of continued watching, he left the area and found a secluded area

wild boar which he quickly k

d, its soul was still ver

corpse and clea

formations ar

ing its drinking water. I will need to refine more pills than originally planned but good

ag and poured o

ety of herbs and

rted refini

ldron in the air and then used a simple t

ated up, he started putting the a

y each material and this required a

he purified substances in a specific order. After combin

ll and looked at it

was called an alchemy god by the masses is now refining inferi

de and proceeded to

but no more failures occurred. After another three weeks of continuous refinement, all pills fo

s not good enough so he contin

and, he looked at it with a sense of achievem

et with his thoughts a

h all the other hundreds of p

tinue refining. His earlier sense of

ths, Xerxes again hel

qi refinement realm, this is the best I can do while just using my soul power, there is no way for me to refine l

e other and then contin

had one hundred s

exhaustion. He slept fo

p, he moved as

lans, weakness is unacceptable, I must

also a few superior-grade pills and headed s

ed the pond for some time ensuring that th

all the pills

sted in the water and befo

o smell or color once dissolved in water to the extent that even some w

to his hiding place an

nowhere to be seen. He even started doubti

oul sense finally picked up the prese

l while taking all precaut

on, beasts generally cultivated at a very slow speed taking thousands of years so he was

l the time it had spent without any enemies since it had the highest cultivation in the entire en

precautions, started d

irst was sated, it walked

-acting poison. It slowly suppresses one qi and over time, one's access to his or her cultivation b

e days in a row and on the fourth day, after drinking the

ce, Xerxes jumped out of his hiding place holdi

ill in midair trying to cut

. It tried to use its qi to send an attack towards the disresp

ilderment in the wolf's eyes, he

olf screamed in pain and anger. It used all its bodily strength to pounce at X

cing muscle and flesh. Although Xerxes was akin to an und

pain and instead grabbed the

o use his knife to

fear, bit down harder. Xer

ore me this is one of the benefits of having an extremely low blood pressure as so

er. "Don't worry I am not going to eat or desecrate your body as the

tanding him on a personal level, it lo

e. Before long, its eyes started closing. When its eyes shut, Xerxes imm

had waves moving on it.

reate a suitable bloodline for my dao. Although finishing it by using a mere wolf bloodline is a bit shameful, I designed this bloodline s

d or devil beast bloodline but

ex hand signs while speakin

from the sphere and move

wolf, they easily penetrated i

ndrils as if something was b

reduced and before long, only

ned to the sphere

e time, carefully observing

embling as if it was to

y, it was the size of a baby's head. It reduced until it was the size of a bean. Xerxes grabbed it as it s

ing at his fastest s

hed his cave which he promptly e

in a meditation posit

hing happening, but after a whole week, he s

falling as though

he floor, his flesh also started falli

but a disgusting pile of flesh that looked as

and after two whole weeks, a cocoo

it pulsated as though incubati

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