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Chapter 1 RIVALS

Word Count: 3097    |    Released on: 25/08/2023

. Agony seized Jacob's frame, his anguished cry echoing within the walls that bore witness to his torment. "Ah!" The sound, a symp

f a relentless pack of werewolves. Tasked with this formidable challenge, the pack struggled to subdue him, for vampires were renowned for their swiftness, agility, and fierce prowess. It was only when a silver-hued dagger found its mark, sinking

sentiment. His heart harbored no quarter for vampires who dared trespass upon his territory. The callous deme

enger of his kin. While he refrained from venturing beyond the Moonolits borders, he ensured that any v

re, I wasn't sent by

ed by the king himself,"

orment that was impossible to ignore, a bitter reminder of his mother's guidance to never stray beyond the borders of Bloodfist. Amidst his suffering, he found himself retracing the footsteps of his past, envis

king advanced with the company of two formidable guards. The rich velvet of his cape flowed regally down his shoulders, pooling gracefully at his feet. A diadem adorned with shimmering jewels graced his raven-dark tresses, an emblem of his sovereig

settled upon Jacob. "Child," he intoned with a mix of curiosity and

Highness. I was merely

s forbidden for vampir

ed my mother's instructions due to my

es would tread on this ground. Yo

old; my king would never conscript me into the army

emancipation?" Stephen questioned. "You vampires are all the same-immortal liars who consistently pass down falsehoo

y child. Please show mercy," Jacob

I'll grant your final wish-this won't recur," S

e! I beg of you

, brought an end to the young seventeen-year-old's life, the sound of silver sealing his tragic demise. A reverberating thud marked the finality as Jacob's head met the cold ground, an unse

ntly patrolled by tightly-knit packs of lupine sentinels, their dedication to their tasks unwavering. Nestled at the kingdom's distant end stoo

ly, during the full moon's luminous reign. As their transformations occurred, they morphed into towering canines, their stature surpassing that of ordinary wolves by several feet. Their ferocious attributes were manifest in the form of razo

ispositions during full moons became more evident, a stark contrast to the younger ones who

es, Samantha, Jacob's mother, was abruptly torn from the clutches of slumber. Her heart racing

been. The ajar door ushered in a chill that cut to the bone, a sensation mirroring the unease that gripped her. An instinc

rappled with a disquiet that transcended her usual maternal concerns.

towards the building's exit, her frenzied motion abr

ard Sebastian began, "Madam, why are you

ed his room, it's empty. He usually goes hunting at night, but he has never s

at is hi

b, he's my

w where he usual

one beyond the bound

ation that will help m

was wearing a white shirt and black trousers when I last s

nd we will find him. For now, you need to go inside and get some

ank you

nformed the others about

s tragic demise, her son, was now conspicuously absent. The cavernous ache of new-found loneliness yawned before her, a daunting chasm she was forced to

em. From packing his school breakfast to being there when the school bell tolled the end of the day, she persistently endeavored to initiate conversations an

y began to swell, robbing her of the solace of sleep. The hands of the

l connection enabled them to perceive their offspring's heartbeat and even sense their movements. In cas

less in the face of Samantha's heart-wrenching grief, as she defied all restraint and sought to breach the sacrosanct threshold of the royal ga

d the fabric to drape loosely around his shoulders. Struggling against the grasp o

e, stood adorned with gilded embellishments and intricate carvings that traced the rich history of vampires. The dim expanse was punctuated by numerous nightstands strategically placed in every nook, each housing a flickering candlestick that cast a gentle glow. Nes

had valiantly defended their clan. Armrests curved gracefully, capped with gilded finials that twinkled like distant stars. At their extremities, fangs were etched into the wood, symbolizing the fierce might of the

red carpet and cried, "My

oodfist. How certain are you of

l his presence an

who stood beside Samantha, and asked,

very inch of the kingdom, but we cou

serious," Robert

uard. The guard fell to his knees and began, "My king, we found the lifeless body of

deep breath and swift

palm across his face, questione

e throne room and asked,

kingdom is under siege!" Robert yelle

ing her father and his subordinate, Samantha, discussing Jacob's death, she co

ht of command and a hint of enigma, as if the shadows obeyed his every whim. He faced his chief of guard, stood beside his room, and said, "Seal the whole c

ed the body, Robert discerned the telltale signs of prior torture, a macabre familiarity to the methods of the werewolves. His gaze shifted to the torn clothing, evidence of

ned due to its perilous effects on vampires' health. An age-old spell cast centuries ago had banished the

res draped in ebony cloaks, permitting passage only to those who could decode their tactics. The cityscape, much like its inhabitants, bore the markings of time, with ancient buildings and structures scattered throughout

agility and speed rendered them nearly invulnerable, save for the fatal touch of sunlight. With fangs as sharp as swords, they sated their thirst with the blood of other creatures. When angered, thei

mishes, neither entity succumbed to obliteration; instead, their ranks multiplied. These wars claimed countless lives, including members of the royal families from both realms. Seeking an end to the cycle, Robert brokered a truce

g, "My king, they've taken my only child. He w

strain Samantha, but her furious spirit gave h

said, "Unless they provide me with a reasonable explanation for

Draperies of deep green framed Stephen's regal presence, the robe flowing elegantly from the throne, an embodiment of grandeur. Claspin

hat child? He was only seventeen, are you

ur father killed my people of e

ble explanation for why you took a child's

g on your knees right now, all I wo

en if I were to fall,

t? You sent a seventeen-year-old to spy on

t your mind? What makes you believe I would deploy a sevent

of my soldiers to the grave.

en-year-old is not capabl

phen called. "Brin

e lifeless body of a werewolf before Robe

step back and asked

ly, Robert. I merely followed th

st called for attention befo

t think this soldie

e this 'favor' when I find your people in my kin

is throne and commanded, "

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