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Chapter 2 CLASH

Word Count: 2526    |    Released on: 25/08/2023

contemplations. His crown lay discarded on the crimson carpet, and the once-assured stance of his shoulders had surrendered to the burden of inner strife. Despite the faint glow of candles, the room

ly to her. Bathed in ambient light, her porcelain complexion emitted a perpetual glow, while her curves bore the delicate craftsmanship of an artist’s touch. Cascading like rain

ounds from a sword training mishap. Despite Robert’s father’s stringent disapproval of connections with non-elite women, the dictates fell on deaf ears. By the time He

lict that claimed his father’s life also stole away his cherished wife. Left with no recourse, he raised his three-year-old daug

nterrupted by the call of his name

y. What’s happened?” Amaya inquired, gently

y and said, “Please,

n her throne, situa

wn,” Robert smiled. “She adored that

d on her father’s hand. “

ld where both realms could coexist in harmony,” Robert said softly. “Regrettably, the same people she believed in took her life. When they attacked, your mot

n, even the most ancient warriors. You once told me that no one, not even the

as seventeen years old. According to King Stephen, he was found i

uch a thing to a chi

ablished many years ago gave them the audacity to t

eneral sentiment

ve erased from their memory all the battles I’ve fought and the ch

’s ab

ou—they often forget past achiev

should w

your fellow maidens. T

try to stop blaming

miled an

und Madam Evelyn washing dishes. Without hesitation,

of maids in the castle, wh

in various chores. I’ve chosen to man

I was a little girl. Don’t you t

e peace we enjoy today is thanks to his efforts. I

ing sad, m

’s life,” Evelyn sighed. “Your father is more than a warrior; he’s a survivor. Few men would rem

ount of the nights I’ve seen

iction that soo

ed wood, with the ornate chandelier casting light into the encroaching darkness. The meticulously placed wooden cabinets grace the walls, and the exquisite oak-crafted utensil

lt.” With a sigh, she continued, “Why don’t you go with some guards, enjoy the garden, or e

“I look forward to rejoining you in the evening, Mada

m Evelyn was evident, as they often spent their days together. Evelyn had been a loyal educator to the young princess since her early years, imparting knowledge on history, etiquette, dome

flanked by two vigilant royal guards, ste

e lilies mingled with cheerful roses, while exotic orchids added a touch of the extraordinary. Stone pathways meandered through the garden, leading to secluded corners and inv

r watering can cascaded with grace upon the blooms. Her

had become her sanctuary, a place where she could find solace by immersing herself in the act of planting. For Ama

ace. Gleaming eyes in the distance held an air of mystery, forming an enigmatic presence that intrigued Amaya’s imagination. Curiosity tugged at her, prompting t

n’t allow you to venture beyond the

ed a beautiful dandelion and thought o

ou into the woods,” the second guard added. “If it’s a gard

ble about gardening?” Amaya a

garden in our backyard,”

pated in planting with

Your Highness,” t

t unintentionally harm that deli

want to face my father’s displeasure, you’d

retrieve the flower,” the second guard sugges

, curiously searching for something she had no idea about. “I s

ventured deeper into the heart of the woods, her ears attuned to the snap of a breaking branch. Swiftly, she pivoted, only to find nothing out of the ordin

e sight of a colossal wolf perched atop the tree. The majestic creature soon descended, landing with a controlled power, and agilely attemp

ling against a sturdy rock, emitting a sharp cry. In response, Amaya’s fangs met the wolf’s leg, inflicting a

came evident that the werewolf had expended its last reserves of strengt

on me?” Amaya interro

lf countered, “And what makes you

of my people. Taking your life

eve the honor you desire, b

hy is

he prince of T

lone? What a great folly! I believe y

stop. We don’t hav

l, how do you

erything a

observing me

ect. I only want


adly i

ewolves could

pire claws; i

into her human-like f

mpression,” Davis climbed the tre

s your

avis. I’m not in my kingdom, after a

me as Princess Amaya,” Amaya decl

atus, your beauty and fiery

e you im

u’re the most stunnin

that as a compliment

e me,” Davis said, joi

our tricks. Wh

y day. I enjoy watching

been sta

d put it

d her head toward anot

the guards shoute

If they find you, they’ll e

ou tomorrow?”

ur life is in

s slapped his forehead a

seeing Amaya covered in blood, exclaimed,

Are both of you insane?” the king asked the guards. “Why would you allow a member of the roy

hness,” one of the guards pl

e her, but she insisted

Please forgive us,” the oth

e immediately,” t

daughter, who stood before him. “What were you thinking, Amaya?

y wanted to pluck a flower, and I

r admit when you’re wrong!” Robert yelled.

out a deep sigh, reflecting on the challenges of parenthood. Little did he know that this

rous hair framing his chiseled features. His eyes, akin to the radiant glow of Bloodfist’s moonlight, held a subtle hin

vals. Unbeknownst to them, what appeared to be a burgeoning love story, one th

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