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Moonlit Betrayal: The Rejected Lone Wolf

Chapter 4 Unexpected Revelation

Word Count: 961    |    Released on: 25/08/2023


uthority, the atmosphere heavy with the weight of important decisions and strat

arrying a mixture of excitement and incredulity. "Alpha, esteemed pack members, I bring news that will

been a thorn in our side, a rival whose presence demanded vigilance and caution. But now, it

ears that the young Omega from the Silver Moon Pack, Ariana, had

gh I had never met her personally. She was the one who had been the topic of countless rumors, whispered tales of her suppos

gravity that demanded my attention. "Explain further, Bet

h one of our pack members," Beta Marcus explained, his gaze steady. "She w

t, my mind working to piece together the puzzle. The notion was preposterous—how c

e the female war

a, you can't be serious. The Moon Mark is unmist

efore he continued. "Alpha, it is not the Moon Mark on her fa

k? It was an anomaly, an occurrence that had never before crossed my mind. I had been so focused on the Moon Mark th

"The young Omega, Ariana, bears a Moon Mark on her bac

ck, it would explain the confusion that had arisen. A sense of intrigue blossomed within me, a

riana—her name now held a weight that it hadn't before. The youngest daughter of the Silve

hat Ariana's presence at the party was not well-received by our pack members. There were

d for its strength and unity, but even within our ranks, there were those who lacked the sense of honor

urned within me as I addres

aging in casual encounters with different men. The rumors claim that she is far from virtuous and that her claim of

to be said that Seraphina

s believed in the power of truth, in reserving judgment until all facts were laid bare. The notion that my ma

king nonsense." I declared, my voice carrying the weight of my authority. "For Seraphina, gather informat

. "Of course, Alpha. I will ensure that everything is brought to

st for a journey that would forever alter the course of both our live

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