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Moonlit Betrayal: The Rejected Lone Wolf

Chapter 2 Veiled Secrets

Word Count: 907    |    Released on: 25/08/2023


lden glow across my room. I lay still for a moment, my mind a swirl

y from the security of our pack's territory, the lure of adventure and a taste of freedom tugging at my heartstrings. With my frie

n, I found myself drawn into a world I had only dreamed of. And then, there was him—Lucas. Charis

he night had waned and inhibitions had faded, a wave of recklessness had overtaken me. Fueled by a heady mix of ad

racing and my cheeks flushed with both embarrassment and longing. The intimacy we had shared was a secret I couldn't

nce—the bond with a mate who was meant to complete me, to bring light into the shadows of my existence. However, fate had a crue

th Lucas, the spark that had ignited between us. Yet, I knew all too well that my father, the resolute Alpha of the Silver Moon Pack, would n

home under the cover of darkness, slipping into my room with the quiet grace of a shadow.

ght's intimacy left me with a mixture of regret and longing. It was a moment that could nev

. The bond I shared with them had always been tenuous, their affection seemingly reserved for my twin sister, Se

s to prove my worth had been met with dismissal and neglect, the whisper

n child, held her own secrets beneath the surface. Away from prying eyes, she would retrea

d the idealized image I had of her. The moonlit shadows revealed a scene tha

The whispered promises and shared vulnerability were a stark contrast to the façade they presented

ly loyalty were tested as I grappled with the knowledge of my sister's secret tryst. It was a burden I

arrior of the Silvermoon Pack, is secr

of my sister, cast shadows over the world I thought I knew. But amid the uncertainty, a determination burned within me—to navigat

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