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The Bars of Iron


Word Count: 1737    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

ly to find the lady of the house lying in tears upon the sofa there. Mrs. Lorimer was very small and pathetic. She had lost all her health long before in the bearing and

ly, but with a devotion that never faltered. A kind word from him was capable of exalting her to a state of rapture that was only out-matched by the despair engendered by his displeasure. There was s

children are being punished. I sometimes think Pat is the worst of all. He is so highly strung, and he loses his head. And Stephen doesn't quite understand him, and he is so terribly seve

s went into soft weeping. She

he wanted to burst into heartless laughter. She conquered the impulse

e forlorn little woman

doesn't do any good. Perhaps Ronald and Julian

could not have resisted the temptation at that moment. She had an unholy

tears. "You're very kin

think it would be wrong to give them a

"Yes, I do," she said. "But we can manage quite well wi

mer. "I'm very thankful to have you with us, d

mness for a moment, but she banished it at once. She

ly been with you a fortnight, and I don't feel that

looking at her with genuine affection in her faded blue eyes. "Do you

sympathy, and she gently changed it. "You are looking very tired. Don't

r boys first," prot

We will go straig

into the hall. As they emerged, a sudden burst of stormy crying cam

always cries like that. He used to as a baby-the only one of them

tically. "You can't do anything. Interference will only make matters wors

three elder boys slept. Ronald and Julian, aged fifteen and f

's sake don't come fussing round here! We've been smoking some filthy cigars-little beastly

do it?" said Mrs. Lori

your father sai

avourite of them all. But he turned

w either. I believe those dashed cigars were poi

!" growl

to it, my hearty! There's a swishing in store

urselves together. Don't lie here any longer! Get up and go out! Go for a hard walk! No, of course you don't feel li

't!" decla

ats? Pop them on and make a dash for it! You'll come back b

light of the flaring, unshaded gas-jet. "By Jove

nd do as I say. Go down the back stairs, mind! I'll

s brother. "What do

done," gro

You will neither of you get any better lying here. Come, Ronald!" She went to him briskly. "Get up! I'll help you. There! That's

thetically by, till finally, fired by her energy, the two mis

n a state verging on hysterics. Neither she nor his mother could calm him for some time, and when at lengt

rest. She was able to soothe the sufferer and leave him to the care of the nurse, and

er formality an absolute impossibility. She put her a

She hesitated and glanced at Avery with a guilty air. "I-I haven't told him yet," she said in a lower whisper still. "Of course I shall have to soon; but-I'm afraid y

she added as she had added to the daughte

sweet girl, Avery. I may call you that? I do hope the work won'

ou know. Yes, do call me Avery! I'm quite alone in the world, and it makes it feel like home. Now you really must lie down ti

. Lorimer clung to her hand for a moment. "I was always prejudiced against mothers' helps before," she said ingenuo

"I will certainly sta

t out of the room and her grey eyes extreme

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1 Chapter 1 A JUG OF WATER2 Chapter 2 CONCERNING FOOLS3 Chapter 3 DISCIPLINE4 Chapter 4 THE MOTHER'S HELP5 Chapter 5 LIFE ON A CHAIN6 Chapter 6 THE RACE7 Chapter 7 A FRIEND IN NEED8 Chapter 8 A TALK BY THE FIRE9 Chapter 9 THE TICKET OF LEAVE10 Chapter 10 SPORT11 Chapter 11 THE STAR OF HOPE12 Chapter 12 A PAIR OF GLOVES13 Chapter 13 THE VISION14 Chapter 14 A MAN'S CONFIDENCE15 Chapter 15 THE SCHEME16 Chapter 16 THE WARNING17 Chapter 17 THE PLACE OF TORMENT18 Chapter 18 HORNS AND HOOFS19 Chapter 19 THE DAY OF TROUBLE20 Chapter 20 THE STRAIGHT TRUTH21 Chapter 21 THE ENCHANTED LAND22 Chapter 22 THE COMING OF A FRIEND23 Chapter 23 A FRIEND'S COUNSEL24 Chapter 24 THE PROMISE25 Chapter 25 DROSS26 Chapter 26 SUBSTANCE27 Chapter 27 SHADOW28 Chapter 28 THE EVESHAM DEVIL29 Chapter 29 A WATCH IN THE NIGHT30 Chapter 30 THE CONFLICT31 Chapter 31 THE RETURN32 Chapter 32 THE DECISION33 Chapter 33 THE LAST DEBT34 Chapter 34 THE MESSAGE35 Chapter 35 THE DARK HOUR36 Chapter 36 THE SUMMONS37 Chapter 37 LA GRANDE PASSION 38 Chapter 38 DEAD SEA FRUIT39 Chapter 39 THAT WHICH IS HOLY40 Chapter 40 THE FIRST GUEST41 Chapter 41 THE PRISONER IN THE DUNGEON42 Chapter 42 THE SWORD FALLS43 Chapter 43 THE MASK44 Chapter 44 THE GATES OF HELL45 Chapter 45 A FRIEND IN NEED 4546 Chapter 46 THE GREAT GULF47 Chapter 47 SANCTUARY48 Chapter 48 THE FALLING NIGHT49 Chapter 49 THE DREAM50 Chapter 50 THE VERDICT51 Chapter 51 THE TIDE COMES BACK52 Chapter 52 THE GAME53 Chapter 53 THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN54 Chapter 54 THE DESERT ROAD55 Chapter 55 THE ENCOUNTER56 Chapter 56 THE PLACE OF REPENTANCE57 Chapter 57 THE RELEASE OF THE PRISONER58 Chapter 58 HOLY GROUND