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The Bars of Iron


Word Count: 1701    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

out?" said Piers. "I was j

him with brows raised i

e gate with his cap. "Even so, madam! On you! But as I perceive you are

, it seemed superfluous to grant the

wn to the post," she said, with a

t such a course did not apparently occur to hi

ng, conscious of a gay gla

y," said Piers. "Well, I can do that t

nk you," said Avery. "An

from Piers. "I'd sooner shoot

" said Avery

them. It was a subject upon which she foun

hrust out a boyish hand. "Shake!

dea of the utter cruelty of it," she said. "They think that if a dog has never known liberty, he is

this valley of dry bones. It isn't the thing nowadays. Let a dog whine his heart out on a chain! Who cares? There's no room for sentimental scruples of that sort. Can't you see the

t his dark, handsome face

ough to remind me that but for your timely interference I should have beaten my own

es, of course I might remind you of that if I

tubbornly. "You were pe

sponsible, appeared suddenly near her mouth. "I

said Piers. "I hope

nd Ste

dn't confess to anyone. But I think it's a pity ever

t?" sai

need all the strength we can muster for

estion. "What other


aid Piers

can't afford to weaken ourselves by any loss of self-control. The man w

nys, I have a strong suspicion that your temper is a sweet one. If so, you're no judge of th

and she could not avoid it. "Well, frankly, Mr. Evesham,"

? You weren't afraid to s

said. "I wa

ed Piers. "You're afraid to sp

o, I'm not. I really can

that we are pract

d been guilty of fam

y, and the soft glow made her wonderfully fair to se

nubbing. I'm not a bit. I'm so accustomed to it that I don't care a-" he paused with a glance of quizzical daring, and, as she man

?" said

f forgiving you. It's a pleasure I don't often get.

ld not help it. But the dark eyes triumphed over he

enys, may I ask a dire

why you should

the Vicarage lane, and she was firmly determi

you so. But I'm not. I've been brought up badly, that's all. I think you might bear w

"Please don't take my opinion for granted in that wa

sk my questio

grey eyes upon h

ly serious. "Are you re

e. "I have been a widow for six

in surprise unfei

iet voice. "I lost my husb

"But you're not-not-I say, forgive me, I

ne," said Avery

tter-box. She dropped i


e been doing this mothers'-he

!" she

. The red winter sunset glowed softly upon

the first six months. You see, she was born blind, soon after he

a gesture that was almost pa

work to find something to occupy me. I went into a children's hospital for training, and spent some years there. Then when that came to an end, I took a holiday; but I

ers. "What a perfectly h

to say you're

I've promised to take charge of the babies this afternoon. Good-bye!" She held out he

cent as to tell me!" he said, looking back at her with eyes as f

Avery found she liked him better than she had liked him throughout the int

r her taste, but then his boyishness counteracted it to a very great degree. There was a hint of sweetness running through his arrogance against which she was not proof. Audacious he might be, but it was a winning species of audacity that probably no woman could condemn.


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1 Chapter 1 A JUG OF WATER2 Chapter 2 CONCERNING FOOLS3 Chapter 3 DISCIPLINE4 Chapter 4 THE MOTHER'S HELP5 Chapter 5 LIFE ON A CHAIN6 Chapter 6 THE RACE7 Chapter 7 A FRIEND IN NEED8 Chapter 8 A TALK BY THE FIRE9 Chapter 9 THE TICKET OF LEAVE10 Chapter 10 SPORT11 Chapter 11 THE STAR OF HOPE12 Chapter 12 A PAIR OF GLOVES13 Chapter 13 THE VISION14 Chapter 14 A MAN'S CONFIDENCE15 Chapter 15 THE SCHEME16 Chapter 16 THE WARNING17 Chapter 17 THE PLACE OF TORMENT18 Chapter 18 HORNS AND HOOFS19 Chapter 19 THE DAY OF TROUBLE20 Chapter 20 THE STRAIGHT TRUTH21 Chapter 21 THE ENCHANTED LAND22 Chapter 22 THE COMING OF A FRIEND23 Chapter 23 A FRIEND'S COUNSEL24 Chapter 24 THE PROMISE25 Chapter 25 DROSS26 Chapter 26 SUBSTANCE27 Chapter 27 SHADOW28 Chapter 28 THE EVESHAM DEVIL29 Chapter 29 A WATCH IN THE NIGHT30 Chapter 30 THE CONFLICT31 Chapter 31 THE RETURN32 Chapter 32 THE DECISION33 Chapter 33 THE LAST DEBT34 Chapter 34 THE MESSAGE35 Chapter 35 THE DARK HOUR36 Chapter 36 THE SUMMONS37 Chapter 37 LA GRANDE PASSION 38 Chapter 38 DEAD SEA FRUIT39 Chapter 39 THAT WHICH IS HOLY40 Chapter 40 THE FIRST GUEST41 Chapter 41 THE PRISONER IN THE DUNGEON42 Chapter 42 THE SWORD FALLS43 Chapter 43 THE MASK44 Chapter 44 THE GATES OF HELL45 Chapter 45 A FRIEND IN NEED 4546 Chapter 46 THE GREAT GULF47 Chapter 47 SANCTUARY48 Chapter 48 THE FALLING NIGHT49 Chapter 49 THE DREAM50 Chapter 50 THE VERDICT51 Chapter 51 THE TIDE COMES BACK52 Chapter 52 THE GAME53 Chapter 53 THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN54 Chapter 54 THE DESERT ROAD55 Chapter 55 THE ENCOUNTER56 Chapter 56 THE PLACE OF REPENTANCE57 Chapter 57 THE RELEASE OF THE PRISONER58 Chapter 58 HOLY GROUND