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Author: Armand21

Chapter 1 01

Word Count: 2841    |    Released on: 30/08/2023

ened. me, looking away : Uh.ben..it's good later. e : Irma ! I swear I'll hit you! me : Off is good! -E : So ? -Me : In fact...it is that... How to say that ? Say it simply. Mbon. Me, taking

her for! me : Come on mom I'll go to work, I leave you bslama ! (au revoir !) -M : Bslama hlik (Goodbye !) I hang up and get ready. And towards the fast food where I work, it is 12H40 when I leave my home, so I arrive on time. I took and served dozens of orders. And there I see three girls. You see the kind of girls who scream like fishmongers to get noticed, who laugh loudly and who are gravely haughty ? It's exactly the one that's heading towards the counter. Me, forced smile : Hello! A girl who seems to be in quotation marks the «chef of the group» begins to look at me from top to bottom. Of the la ! I've been working here for three years, and I'm used to this kind of girl. But then there, every time there was one like her, I was fighting hard. -Meuf, raising his eyebrows : Yeah hello. me : I take your order? meuf : Oh yes we are here for that. Why don't you talk stupid?! Me : So ? -Meuf : I want three tacos menu. First tacos with nuggets. me : No sauce? meuf : Si de la mayo. And the other two tacos with kebab and no sauce. Ah no wait...Soukaina ?! The girl who in my opinion is named Soukaina turns around and questions him with her eyes. Meuf, shouting: You put without sauce you ?! -S, shouting in turn : Yeah without sauce ! Fucking they're fucking messing around screaming ! They attract everyone's attention! me, by forcing me to be kind : Please there are many people who look at you. -Meuf, turning suddenly : And then ?! me : You prevent people from eating. -Meuf : I fight the neck*the people me ! Nothing to tell me so continue your work! Oula ! She will calm down though ! That's what I hate the most, when you speak nicely and the person in front feels wings growing. me : On the other hand we calm the nerves stp because I am not your girlfriend ! You came to eat and not to mess, so either you continue your order quietly or you take your fishmonger with you and you get out of here! The guard arrives and pulls them out of the fast food. His people are fed up like that, WAllah. I have nerves for the day the tfu. People who take from above.. I thought it was the worst thing that could happen to me today until I lifted my head to take the next order. Me, frowning : But what are you doing here ?! A : I came to eat what a question! me : Ah no ! First we'll have to explain what happened last time! It's Amir. Yes the unknown guy who took the liberty of sticking his lips to mine. The last time I wanted to have an explanation about his act he left. So now that I see him, he has better explain to me! -A : But what the fuck do you want ?! I just wanted to eat and finally I end up with a bitch! No, but I dream of Allah ! He allows himself to insult me with bitch ?! It is not possible ! me : I will not take your order ! I want explanations first! He gives me a black look. I admit it scared me. - A : I didn't understand how it is that I go out to eat and that I cross your dirty mouth ! me: Beh you know what ?! The dirty mouth it pisses you off! -... : What is happening here ?! I make big eyes. I know that voice, and it's my boss's. Oh there ! - Me, making as if nothing happened : Nothing I was just talking with monsieur ! A : She is a liar ! I wasn't talking to her at all ! She refused to take my order! -P : How is it ?! You refuse to take orders from customers ?! me, starting to stress : I.. A : I don't know how you can use cones like her wAllah ! She's not even doing her job properly! I turn my head towards him. I see in his eyes that he is ready to destroy me in front of my boss. What did I do to her?! P: Irma, I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to fire you. It's not our policy not to take orders. Besides, you had a fight earlier with clients. Tomorrow we're gonna tell me new things about you. I prefer to stop things before all my clients come. Me : What? No no no no ! All but not that ! No, Rabi, I'm not begging you! P: He heard you right. It's okay, I have tears in my eyes. Not that ! I can't get fired from my job! I turn to Amir and see that he is coming out of the fast food. I can't let him go like that. I take my bag and my vest and run behind Amir who had already left the fast food. I catch up with him and block his way. He looks down at me. me : Are you happy ?! Have you seen what you did?! He's trying to get through, but I'm stoppi

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