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The Black Pearl

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 4215    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

had sauntered into Chickasaw Pete's place as was his wont, soon after breakfast on the same morning that Pearl had walked in the mesquite alleys with Flick. This he sele

rded such chance bits of gossip as came his way and brought them

d the door, his large, genial presence radiating optimism a

s above his white linen jacket. "Pretty shy of hea

the town?" exclaimed Hanson, in affected dismay. "My! My! What is the West c

elf." Jimmy defended himself with

ot to be go

" he said, and then, abashed by the meagerness of this bit of information, attempted to enhance its value. "I'd like t

quick riveting of attention, every sense had become alert. "He's doing a good mining business, ain't he?"

l things sometimes. Well, you listen to me, there's something queer ab

in playful emphasis, but there was anxiety in his glance. "You're just

's going off on any little trip he's likely to mention it. And, when he comes back, he'll tell you this or that he's seen or heard, just like other folks. But this time, not a word. Glum as an oys

" asked Han

was to his own manifest regret as ignorant as he appeared. "But," he added shrewdly, "you been taking up

insolence of Hanson's tone

to do with you. And, say, Mr. Hanson," there was a touch of embarrassment in his voice, "you a

here to sign up with the Black Pearl that maybe, considering Mr. Bob Flick, I haven't been very discreet in the way I've been chasing there." He leaned his elbow on the bar and assumed a more confidential manner

to pump Mrs. Gallito more than once, but if she knows anything she keeps it dark. She's afraid of me, anyway. She always says: 'Oh, Jimmy, you're

ul and undisguised relief. By what seemed to him an almost incredible piece of good luck, consi

r and turned it around in his hands, apparently considering the effect of its scarlet stripes on a green surface. Then he threw back his shoulders and laughed aloud. "Bill Jones left a peckfu

agent brought his chair, tilted back at an almost impossible angle, to the earth, took his feet down from a table, laid aside an old and b

s of his profession in what the agent found a most entertaining manner. Finally he looked at his watch, murmured something

soon?" asked the

. Oh, by the way, now I think of it-is ther

ange twice; once at the junc

place is there to

That's so. Why don't you ask Bob Flick? He's just been up there. I sold him a ticket the other day,

with her, and he did not arrive at the Gallito house until after she and Bob Flick had left. This was the first untoward event in a successful morning, but he concealed h

chicken yard and daily to make way with her choicest "broilers" and "fryers." Also she had shipped several large consignments of sweet potatoes to the eastern markets and, instead of their

metimes things went sort of smooth and you though

anson, with a rather perfunc

man at cards ever was, and he's been losing steady for three nights, and he's getting blacker and sourer and stiller ever

ey'd get it all out of their systems that way, and there was nothing left to curdle. But to sit and glower and think and think! Oh, it's awful! Why, even Hughie, he'll talk and pound the piano like he was going to break the p

un, all things conside

Lots of work, but just as much excitement. Why, I was awful pretty, Mr. Hanson,"

l me that," said Hanso

one and be loved a whole lot, and I thought that was what was going to happen, but it didn't. I often wonder what

his eyes. She was weak and silly. She was dyed and painted and powdered almost to the point of be

lf-control, while he devoted his attention to Lolita, who had sidled up to him and was gazing at h

d in choking back her sobs, and now she endeavored to turn the conv

manager easily. "He can't have gone so

to do with you. Him and Gallito talked late last night. I tried my best to hear what they were saying," na?v

ou'd only stir her up and make her obstinate. But, God!'

ed Hanson, and throwing ba

rprised at his manner of receiving her

" still vindi

, and he can hold her to it, or else have the law on her," ventu

be it," agreed Ha

lding her eyes with her hand. "Yes, it's him, sure. Why, I

seen his wife's guest, and, after taking his horse back to the stable, he made his appearance on the porch. He shook

uss and you have duties within; but first bring

he brandy had been tasted and praised by Hanson, and his appreciation of it accepted with a grave Spanish bow by Gallito, the latter ha

ll between them. Gallito sat puffing his cigarette, watching with half closed eyes the smoke wreaths curl u

rnfully. "Does he hope to blu

prising the other man, in spite of himself, by a most

ng to pay her. Now, Mr. Hanson, your offer is very fine. I appreciate it; my daughter appreciates it; but she cannot accept it. She treated Sweeney badly, very badly. She is

ay: "I deprecate this for your sake, but the question is definitely se

id, "but your daughter is of age. I guess I'll wait and see what she has to say about t

surprise, then he laughed, one single, menacin

some difficulty in restraining himself from

houses. I see her and I know that she's all to the good. So, banking on my own judgment, I make her an offer that's more than generous, just because I've the courage

h!" scornfully, pitching his cigarette with a single muscular sweep of the arm into the heart of the garden, "you don't know it or you wouldn't have been talking to me like you have, but I've got Sweeney pigeon-holed, know all his resourc

is strange talk." He drew back haughtily. "I do not have to

anson, "but the black man, t

traight. Sweeney hasn't left one wife in Colina while he eloped with one of his head-liners. He's not in one scrape after another

nerve," cried Hanson vi

rarely deserts me, Mr. Hanson," he replied, "but I wish to finish what I was saying. My daughter has a future. She will not only be a great dancer, but she has the making of a great actress in her,

oldly back at him with something indefinable yet unmistakable, something th

surprisedly for a moment, and then resolutely putting the matter asid

Now just let me tell you something, Gallito. I take my ans

Gallito, "I do

t much-desired person, and that he, Hanson, had but to step to the telegraph office and send a wire to Los Angeles, and not only José, but Gallito would be in custody before night. An admirable method for securing Gallito's consent to his daughter's acceptance of

and, in the second place, he would, he was convinced, have not only Gallito, but the, to him, more formidable Bob Flick to deal with. Therefore, and most

t on his nerves. A quality of composed patience, as if he, at least, never doubted the successful outcome of hi

ughter's abilities is all true, every word of it. That's the reason I'm so keen to get her. I know, and I'm frank enough to confess it, that out here in the desert, with not much to think about, on a vacation, and all, why-I kind of lost my head about her. She's a beautiful woman, Gallito, no need to tell you th

rrupted Gallito, who had been twistin

Miss Gallito tells me that her mother traveled with her when she was younger, and even now, when she can spare the time from her farming, she goes out on the road with the young lady. Now, why not have a pur

say, every one should be satisfied with such an arrangement and, let me say, it is one that would greatly pl

d it wouldn't suit 'em. But you can take this from me, Gallito," he leaned forward and pounded his fist on the table, "I don't take

ise, the Spaniard sat down again and softly rubbed his hands together. Hanson had a fleeting

le clucking noises in his throat the while: "Our guest is a great poker player, Lolita, he understands how to mak

ned forward and shook his forefinger under the Spaniard's eyes, his face was p

Lolita, "mi jasmin

see, Mr. Hanson," observed Gal

tly. "I will see your daugh

ly, he threw a long comprehensive glance at the cloudless brazen sky, and the

s voice. "I do not think you will see my daughter to-day. What?

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