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The Contract Marriage With My Professor

Chapter 4 the hospital

Word Count: 1908    |    Released on: 31/08/2023


because my parents came and I don't like to talk

g her things that would make her happy. That's when Miss Suarez entered my mi

laries, especially fake marriage. Hey Mami'la, what

an open convenient store so I've de

I was about to go to

side the waiting shed wi

ion of her luggage that's why I came closer and to my surpris

curiously but he still hadn

efore touching her head. Finally she wakes up


nd ashamed when I saw Sir Gi

t are you doing h

e matter, I-I'm just

usly asked that's why I was more embarrassed. I don't want him to know t

waiting for my friend. Hey, what

l then if you're really waiting for someone,

" I said when I sudden

wait a


you? She hasn't been to

sighing and returning to whe

gulping it straight down, which

question, you don't need to get drunk before answ

again befo

promised nothing s

at Sir?" I immed

uddenly promised that's why


ed before lo

e you to marry me. It will be a c


d sadly and drank again. I can really sense that there's some

e opened a beer for me. After that, he told me about Mami'la's condition s

y life and how the landlady kicked me

ou must've missed your grandmother too that's why you

children very much and want nothing else to happen but what they think will be

letely different situation. I think your

rrent situation and even more so she cannot know that the house went to the money she worked har

going to live? It's dangerous for a girl like you to just sleep anywhere. What if you agree with my offer? We share the same interest anyway. You don't wan

answered out of m

ss Suarez?!" I heard him say more but I don

you live?" Lou

at Prima's caf

ber the story I told you about t

e that's where he's going to live with Mr. Harris?!"

admit to us, y

ned when Pri

like that, you're a year old!" I was shocked to reply befor

explain." I just said

don't know what you do in this

tell you how I ended up at Mr. Harris's house an

ne?" Prima resp

the night I was kicked o


ng out in the waiting shed outside a convenience store and then at that time

t he?" Prima promised again

you gave up the Pearl of the Orient Sea so that's why he wants to em

helped him with his Mami'la, he doesn't want to owe me so... I can stay at his house freely until I find a new hou

have you been li

..." I lied but they kn

eek since you got evicted, where did you live for a f

actually been a wee

ight, and you look fresh somehow and you look like you've slept. Hmm, is he taking care of you?" After a

d almost no emotions at all but his actions

red!" Prima snaps that

doing with his housemat

a principal at home with me. He doesn't talk to me oft

Wow that

hurts my pride, because he often cooks because my cooking i

Lou said la

don't know which planet it's from... The high-tech. Jusko Lord, he even has a rice cooker, I don't kn

t was his

ien's item, I don't understand. His vacuum cleaner is like a UFO that he just took from his hou

d again and were

That's us..." I grinn

because I ca

ave you found someone new to move to?" Lou suddenly made

as still thinking about Mr.'s offer. H

rima asked who had just fi

nd research specialist at a university." I ca

ity?!" they almost excl

ut that?" I just casually s

y is he at?" Pri

ings, we just say hello there. We only talk when there's someth

ofessor at our scho

aybe not because we

nts are so far apart, it's likely that there

l, his accent is high-class, and his IQ is Einstein like, so I can't understand what he says so o


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