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Word Count: 3440    |    Released on: 31/08/2023


en I saw Evly on the plane. The universe seemed to conspire in our favour during this journey, aligning the stars in a way that placed u

und refuge in the corners of my mind, fading like old photographs. Evly, with her remarkable gift, possessed th

had always been my home, and its beauty had become a familiar companion. Yet, observing the city through Evly's eyes breathed a new life into its streets and bui

med with a radiance that words could hardly capture. Her emotions were vividly painted on her face.

royal bodyguard; she was my friend. Throughout the years, her support has been unwavering. Week

r Bermling, her usual humour lighting up the moment. The awkwardness that had once existed between Hayley and

nited envy within me. Our friends exchanged chit-chat before dispersing

he atmosphere, the ancient ruins, the entire setting. It's almost unfathomable th

mpressive; it was clear that such things truly captivated her. I reflected on how, back when I was learning this history,

That's the Knight of Bermling," referring to the same knig

er to share, I delved deeper into the tale. The story of Sir Bermling remains one of my favourites,

s I began to recount the captivating narrative. The statue's presence seeme

l started with an orphan, seeking solace amidst the palace stables. You see, both of his parents had served in the castle. But destiny had a different

eetering on the edge of his balcony, a heartbeat away from a perilous fall. And in a remarkable display of cour

almost visualize the frozen moment springing

ation for Bermling shining through my words. "And here's the twist that never ceases to amaze—

the story. The statue seemed to embody the incredible tale I had just shared

e be finding the story boring? The uncertainty swirled within me—should I cease my words? Deciphering Evly's thoughts seemed impossible, a

at on our way to Gordiee, she had mentioned the unfailing appeal of vanilla, and I had come to associate that sentiment with

Evly responded, her tone unwaverin

u just refer to

that one can never really go wrong with Vanilla. To me, you're like Vanilla – I know I can never go wrong with you.” However, I hesitated. Aside from t

lf at a loss for words. I couldn't decipher her thoughts – what was she

t felt like the universe was holding its breath, time standing still as the soft touch of her lips sent a rush of emotio

tion, a silent agreement between two souls that had found a connection. It was as if all the unspoken word

had bridged the gap between us, and I knew that this moment was the beginning of something beautiful, something that went beyond the re

oned if my senses were playing tricks on me. She h

in my musings? Here was the girl I had feelings for, and she had just kissed me. As her lips parted from mine, I acted, gen

wkward silence. My thoughts raced—what did this signify? Was she ackno

engrossed in their activities, seemingly oblivious to our interlude

iked you for quite some time now. But, you see, there are so many factors to co

he essence lies in acknowledging our feelings and not letting unce

ago. But now that I knew where I stood, a resolute determination coursed through me – I was willing to weather an

ng prospect of imminent graduation, which might have otherwise been a


ss. Until now, those stolen moments had always taken place during parties or balls, tucked away in secluded corners, hidden from th

– admitting to myself that I liked Mshell was perhaps the first truly sane th

However, it became clear that Mshell was caught off guard by my boldness, and he didn

. It was a kiss that sent electric currents through my entire being, igniting a passion I had never experienced before. Questions raced through my mind

, and the only thing that mattered was the connection between our lips. In that stolen moment, I could

assed between us – this was only the beginning of something exhilarating and dangerous. As we stood there, caught in a web of newfoun

fully aware of his feelings, especially given that I was the one who had initially sugge

tending anymore. The truth is, I've liked you for quite some time now. But, you see, there are so

ind a way. The essence lies in acknowledging our feelings and not letti

before I had fully posed the question. Strangely enough, he was right. The fact that we had openly admitted our feelings w

As I looked at him, admiration welled up within me. His ability to

ing voice, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. The path ahead might be uncertain, but at least

siastic grin. Just at that moment, Mshell enveloped me in a warm hug

s couldn't help but take notice. "Okay, okay, Your Majesty, you c

ughts raced through my mind. Could I let him in? Was it fair to invite him into my life? Would I be acting selfishly by doing so?

corner we turned revealed a new facet of Gordiee's enchanting scenery. Mshell's presence seemed to magnify th

verlooked on my own. It was as if he had an innate ability to infuse every moment with wonder and excitem

e that this person, who felt like a burst of sunlight in human form, could truly become a part of my

ost enormous building I had ever seen, and I had lived in a palace too. The whole friend group was the

" Mello asked as we str

wered. He was incredibly humb

pressive, Your Ma

substance and nothing

emed like everyone else did, so I let it go. After

re elegantly decorated, with luxurious furnishings that exuded opulence. As Jane and I settled

ry. The chandeliers hanging from the ceiling cast a warm and inviting glow, creating an ambience o

experienced. It was as if we had stepped into a different

licacies from across the kingdom. The flavours danced on my palate, each bite a tantalizing journey of taste. Laugh

d, a wide smile gracing her face, we had

leaving tomorrow; I wish we had more time to e

such a serious face, as if you have no clue what I'm

led even harder. "I saw you, s

ness, Evly! Did that kiss scrambl

e! How did you even manag

e you weren't aiming to be discreet," Jane pointed out, making a fair argument. I hadn't an

were you planning to keep it a

still trying to process

have been somethin

e?" I asked with a mix of

Jane exclaimed. She had a knack for

fy Jane's curiosity, sharing the whol

an item now, huh?" Jan

decided to give it a shot, and he seemed genui

t me off guard. "And you?

ld. "Oh, don't even try to deny it! The way you kiss

mitting, "Yes,

ature bluntness. "So, he's g

smile playing on my

ved a text, likely from Mello. However

ickname Hayley and I had for Jane. I couldn'

ing, "Yeah, I'm fine." Her to

lk to me about anything," I reassured her,

espected that. I settled into bed, my though

Vanilla," Mshel

tentment. It all felt right, but a tiny doub

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