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My Alpha Seed

Chapter 2 Redemption Plea

Word Count: 1706    |    Released on: 01/09/2023

ou to leave!!!

sudden outburst, let's take a recess and recoun


knock on his door. Without much reasoning as to what could have resulted in that at the most ungodly hou

g sluggishly off the bed. The still drowsy gentle

s red and really swollen eyes, which indicated the fellow was yet to get any wink of sleep. Considering the distur

with both hands on her shoulders, w

she managed to speak, sniffling. "Can we talk?" she

at the same spot, giving time for Ophelia's sobs to subside. Assuming normalcy, the comforter did justice to providing

room thereafter, helping to lower her lower body. "Wh

to him again,"

e Alpha's castle?" maintaining calmness,

ly. "Morgan needs to tell me why he did this to me,"

is hand over her shoulders. "Whatever you want to

wasn't going to be a sole one as Griffin had in mind to accompany her; he couldn't agree more with the fact that Morgan needed a

ir way. Fingers crossed, Morgan would possibly not ask for their heads for def

s overcame successfully – the gates granted her access. Looking on tenterhooks, Griffin made sure to keep assuring her of the significance of his presence, and urged

rgan availed hi

ntion to that standing directly before him. Following a shallow exhaustive exhale, he uttered: "I ousted the p

chivalrously. "Ophelia is and would always remain a friend, Morgan. I cannot for

what you'd come here to discuss. Little did I...," he scoffed,

Or are you just being a pain in the ass righ

cut short Griff's interposition with his subduing

he was...!!!" Morgan intercepted almost immediately with peak emphasis. "If she for a fact has done something worthy of this

clearly changing slowly as well, his features portrayed heightened aggravation. Asides their relationship spurred by the various roles they assumed in the pack, they, as noted earlier were more like brothers. Scratch that, Griffin was the one person without fear

ion," he continued, laying emphasis on the latter sentence. "What exactly has gone wrong with you?" he interrogated further. "How d

e fell back instinctively. Understanding better the depth of the sudden hatred then, she kept her distance from him. "You could at least make known to me my crime," she added, teary eyed. "What is my offense?" she inquired qu

space of a millisecond, the scene was flooded wi

ld her presence anywhere around me again!" he dished out

sures taken by her and nature itself, preventing an extra heartbeat from coming to light was no rocket science. "Should I tell him?" "Or should I remain silent?" her inner th

ut much thoughts went after Morgan at the time

erent hallways leading to the exit. Paying attention to the petty judgements of spectators within the castle walls was most definitely the least of her worries in the face of being stripped off everything that literally made her "Ophelia." It all felt l

dejected thanks to Morgan's sudden rejection. That was out of the blue, without prior warning or red flags per se. As she wandered the streets of Crescent Manes, she could feel goosebumps on her skin as a result of the sudden cold air that surrounded her amidst the then humid atmosphere. Not so long, the skies clamored thunderously, and got darker, signifying an incom

on that other than deliberating on her predicament was a more pressing need to get shelter. Then thinking of the baby's wel

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