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Ophelia (female lead) feeling dejected and lost in the cold world of the werewolves couldn't contain her grief when she was stripped of her place next to the Alpha – Luna position – at the time Morgan (male lead) banished her from the pack with no record of sins whatsoever despite all she had sacrificed for his sake. Irregardless of all that they shared, they were all in the dump the moment Morgan chose to disengage them. She was able to start a new but with a difference this time as she bore the Alpha's seed. Nonetheless, 'love' was something she came to be wary of; and because of that, didn't see the need to pay Spencer Lawson any attention. Spencer Lawson could very well be taken as one who gave her a new life as he was the grandson of the old lady she was taking care of. Subsequently, she learnt to live in the midst of werewolves and humans who cohabitated at the time, under Spencer's roof. All that came crashing the moment Morgan showed up again to claim what "rightfully belonged to him" – his son.

Chapter 1 The Beginning of The End

"You're carrying an Alpha's seed. Congratulations Ophelia!"


"Leave my pack at once, Ophelia!" Morgan's thunderous voice enough to send shivers down the spine of his audience quaked the castle walls that morning.

'I'm carrying your child!' screamed Ophelia from the top of her lungs – groveling before her husband for forgiveness – in her mind. While she begged for her life, she pondered whether or not to spill the beans concerning her pregnancy of which she gained cognizance of just yesterday after her private visit to the royal family's doctor. She reminisced the words "You're carrying an Alpha's seed. Congratulations Ophelia!" accompanied with a really cheerful grin on Dr. Jonas' face. How happy she must have felt to break the news to her partner that she saved the surprise for "later" only to receive the shock of the century.

"Guards!" his overwhelming holler once again shook Ophelia out of her head vehemently. "Get this thing out of my sight!" the words that inflicted her with many pains continued.

Hol'up... One could easily deduce it was the perfect moment to drop the bombshell and regain her prestige. But the about-to-be ousted Luna's lips couldn't let out any words other than: "I'm sorry my love. If you tell me what's wrong, I'll be sure to amend my ways," she appealed in all sincerity, on her knees.

"I do not want to ever see you again!" Morgan stated once again brusquely. "Leave!" he exclaimed with every shred of emphasis. "What are you waiting for?!!" he veered to the frozen guards and got them sprinting in less than a split second. Who would prefer the wrath of the ultimate to the cries of a helpless woman?

"If you tell me what I've done, I'll make sure to amend my ways, my lord," Ophelia chorused while the two men grabbed her arms from both sides and lifted her up.

"I do not care about giving you any silly explanations, Ophelia! My word is final and you're leaving The Crescent Manes today!" he declared firmly.

"C'mon my lord..." She managed to rid herself of their grip and fell once again before Morgan. Just then, the violent beast groped her strongly by the arm, lifted her up and pushed her away almost at once. "Morgan!!!" the one person who could literally "call" him to his senses surfaced from nowhere, supporting the faltering fellow with his bosom – Griffin Ashborne.

The beta of the pack, friend to both Morgan and Ophelia showed up after getting a hold of the situation going down at the castle. Needless to say, its frenzy must have reach the very ends of the pack talk more of the ears of the second in command, Morgan's right-hand man. Being a friend to the victim, he couldn't just sit back at home without interceding on her behalf.

"What is wrong with you Morgan?" he asked, staring right back into his intimidating eyes whilst holding closely the sobbing lady. "What atrocity has she committed to deserve such ill treatment from you?" he asked again, clearly in a state of wonder.

"No one has the right to question me, Griffin. If I say she leaves, then she leaves."

"And her offense?" he demanded.

"Know your place Griffin. I do not need to report my every move to you in detail," asserted Alpha Morgan. "My decision is final, Griffin. She should leave!" he finalized before storming off in rage. "Morgan! Morgan!! My lord!!!" Ophelia called out with intense desperation coating her tone but to no avail.

***"Did the Luna commit any atrocity? ... She must have cheated on the Alpha? ... Why the sudden change? ... What if the Alpha decided to conceal her sin and still punish her for it? ... Where will the ousted Luna go?"*** Subsequently, not just the castle but the whole pack was in turmoil following the devastating events as everyone – young and old inclusive – began to whisper to themselves. The chatters and talebearing could be heard on every corner and location: the streets, market places, general hangout spots, restaurants, etc. In no time, no other topics were found on the lips of the pack members except that which concerned the "Alpha and Luna." The situation introduced a fair share of controversy amongst them as one party praised their Alpha for being such a considerate husband by virtue of the fact he chose to conceal her sins; while the other vouched for, and had compassion for the Luna saying she deserved better and may just have been misunderstood.

Utterly bewildered and flabbergasted with nowhere else to turn to, the castle walls which were shut to her face landed her in Griffin's house.

"Is the tea to your liking?" Griffin asked – with every ounce of sympathy in his tone – Ophelia when she took a sip from the cup served her.

"I love it. Thank you," she managed to whisper, feeling beat.

"I know it's really not the best time to ask this but...," he halted for a moment and smacked his lips, " did something happen between you two?" he completed with keen.

Ophelia slurped a bit of the tea before keeping it down to provide him a reply. "I would also love to know where I went wrong, Griff."

"You mean your offense wasn't even made known to you?!" he jabbered gobsmacked then noticed the tears that flowed down her cheek at the time. "Morgan did all this to you without an explanation??!" he re-echoed with raised eyebrows portraying a state of peak disbelief.

"I would also want to know my crime, Griffin." She sniffled further then kept the mug aside. "I'd like to know my crime," she repeated, trying really hard to suppress the burning tears that hovered her eyeballs. "I want to know my criiime!!!!" she vituperated. "I want to know my crime! I want to know my crime!! I want to know my criiime!!!!!" she wailed in agony, letting her bitter emotions explode.

Moved with deep compassion, her company switched seats to provide the grieving fellow a shoulder to cry on. Without as much as making a sound, he solaced her silently with backrubs accompanied with gentle head pats.

"You're not alone," he finally broke the silence with a mollifying whisper.

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Other books by Sakura Uchiha

Where Love Meets Evil

Where Love Meets Evil



How much does a signature weigh? ~~~ Laurel’s average takes a drastic turn when her father signs a life-changing contract. In exchange for saving his company from the depths of penury, she is given in marriage to one of the most inhumane CEOs in the whole of Washington DC – Ivan Briggs. Outside her wish, she becomes a part of the Briggs family. A family where toxicity is the air they breathe, hatred, the food they eat, and envy, the water they drink. Dark secrets form the walls of the Briggs mansion, and every day become puzzle pieces for Laurel to put together. Days travel by, and Laurel finally comes to understand the intense power tussle for the Briggs conglomerate group, between Ivan and the rest of the family. They want him down, destroyed, wrecked, and even blot out of existence. Ivan’s ‘dead’ mask slowly falls off and Laurel gets to see the abject loneliness he actually wallows in. Out of ‘pity’ at first, she stands in for him. Acting like a shield, she blocks all the arrows shot in Ivan’s way by his family. But what happens when ‘pity’ turns into a heart-throbbing emotion that makes her want to hold him by the hand instead? What happens when she decides to fight WITH him, and not just FOR him? What happens when the two love-hungry individuals find solace in themselves? What happens when the duo fall hopelessly in love with each other? The ‘misfortune’ that happened on the alter becomes their biggest feat. ‘Love conquers all,’ they say. But for Ivan, it also becomes a reason to breathe. To live. To fight. And WIN. This book covers their journey from start, through tumbles, to finish. Find out how!

Deep Ocean Blue Eyes

Deep Ocean Blue Eyes

Young Adult


Could you ever imagine having a phobia for eyes? A pair of deep ocean blue eyes is not just enticing but aesthetically appealing to the visual senses (eyes) as well. But that was miles away from being the case for a certain Ashley Sinclair. Not only did she have a phobia for blue eyes, she was also diagnosed with insomnia, anxiety disorder, panic disorder, etc, and had to live on drugs following the gruesome event that occurred on the 18th of July. Hooded guy with black nose mask and blistering deep ocean blue eyes raining lours on Ashley. That enigmatic scene that continued for days was brought to an abrupt end on a bloody note – Makayla Palmer was murdered in cold blood. Unfortunately, Ashley was the only one allowed to wake up in that pool of blood, falling asleep with her best friend full of life only to find her on the brink of death afterwards. Subsequent to lying unconscious in the hospital for a few weeks, she woke up with a whole new personality, dampened yet one with the deep burning urge to bring the killer to misery. She did all in her power to help the police in her case. Having chiseled a spitting image of the hooded guy to mind, she was able to produce a portrait on paper. That portrait was useless until a second murder case resembling Makayla’s took place. The other female students of International University of Chicago were slowly consumed by fear after a series of death confirmed to be a serial killer case, wondering ‘who’s next?’ A part of Ashley surged with thrill, gaining the opportunity to pull the puzzle pieces together and somehow solve the mystery. Ashley somehow eventually found herself entwined in an exhausting love triangle between Carson Anderson – her detective friend – and Daniil Smirnov – an ousted Russian heir transferred to her school. The duo slowly began to compete for her attention and love but Ashley wasn’t into either of them. At first. Their relationship later ended with Carson as the third wheel because Ashley without knowing, fell deeply in love with Daniil. Slowly his influence rubbed off, letting her old personality return. Little did she know what laid in store at the end of that tunnel she thought to bring so much positivity and radiance to her soul. There was more to Daniil than met the eye. The culprit at long last revealed himself. But instead of leaving Ashley feeling elated and fulfilled having achieved the greatest feat, it left her confused and in disarray. ‘How could she not have known? Did she see the signs but choose to ignore them? How could she not have felt the killer’s presence even when he was so close? “Who killed Makayla?”

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