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The Sweet Seven

Chapter 5 flirt with men

Word Count: 2316    |    Released on: 02/09/2023


e because my cellphon

I just made the mistake of knowing him. It's fine, I'll go

urprised when someone spoke. I turned around.

ght?" frowne

va. It looks like

your Mommy, you seem like a kind Son and y

hat do y

d it's natural to you. So I won't be surprise

it a s


at abou

e right when you said

Marco's Daddy and

nned because Celina is mine. They kept Agnes away from me and Marco was supposed to do the same but I begged because he is my son and in the end they just let Marco out as their son to avoid shame on our family. Marco grew up I'm recog

think of anything to de

on any good. It's okay to meet at School but don't approach him. If this happe

owly n

can lea

goodbye to

es. He doesn't need you." then he

my eyes because I couldn't stop crying... He was ri

at the closed doo

ed. I'm going home... maybe I'll l

ed for a few minutes in fron

driver got out and asked if I was Seven... then I got in the back. The depth of my thoughts. It's like Marco's Papa blames me..

t straight to my room. I ignored Mommy when she called me

painful... I don't know which of the two is what her Papa s

. His works are more beautiful than Rubioz's... maybe because he wants to make me happy that's why

g the box when

you want to talk to me or your Da

to him while he's operating, maybe his patient

all...and very ugly! But even though you are ugly, we love

"What do yo

ught you couldn't fall in love. And I know it's hard, your Momm

es back inside the drawer

're always here when I needed you most.

a Seb. It will make you angry when you forget him. And you will always remember that no matter what you went through today.

. I feel better there. Dad is

should do.... Lo

ey said he dropped out. I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard that... no one el

e has been talking to you for a

own pick-up, of course she is only the daughter of a Billionaire. It's good that he can't be

nd!" I looked at it.

ternational School in Pasay. If you don't have anything to do

still has scars. I smiled but I can't

an art project to do tomor

nly changed. "Is that so. Oka


Because it looks like you don't want to ride m

ecause he likes me. I also had a crush on him even then because he was good at playing basketball. It's because he's bullying me. He's still yelling o

Are you av

estion. My grip on the strap

tal for a week, right? Then I thought we were going to

t shook

ou yelling at me or chasing me with a broomstick when you're pissed

shook my

aming yourself because I'm like this, then you don't hav

first.". I hurriedly walked towards our School Bu

o walking. He confessed to me tha

kay?" Winter woke me

sad. Of course not." I laughed at both.

while ago. He's about to eat. Mo

g something." I locked the door so there w

hat you're doing is impo

k you B

t flowers. After all, I told Seven that I l

ng. I am the one who

urned to Mommy. "Would yo

it pos

What is t

iled a litt

." Mommy was still thrilled while wipin

se again. I don't want t

id you have a

on like mine and your Daddy Peter. I crush on him a lot.. . just to see even just her hair makes my day complete. But the longer we

that. It's al

u will experience everything. You will learn how to handle it. Then in love, because that's where the w

. wrinkle when

ven if they are ugly when they flirt with men, they will give and give. That's why you

ut he has a reason. I think Marco

" we went to the cafeteria and ate our lunch. It's go

to answer it. It's hard because even

still young but both of them are already legal with their parents. Lorie is a beautiful girl, she inherited

ooks like I was asleep when that wa

ter, Rei and

le she's really beautiful that's why many flirt with h

both turned to the perso

s. He sat next to Rei th

ait, do you have a

k a position behind Marc

y it here first when you get the answer, then di

thank you Brother! Sister is lucky becaus

Lorie said so that Andro

I'm bad at Math. I'm

ks. "It's okay. Even if you're no

It's really funny that they have Puppy love. Many men are jealous of An

ang the bell.

." Marco stopped me. "C

l Papa and I talked about. So... "I'm sorry Marco, it's anothe

now what happened. Sorry. This is better


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