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The Sweet Seven

Chapter 4 The Hospital

Word Count: 2127    |    Released on: 02/09/2023


fternoon. We went swimming again

ooked at them in their Cottage. Nothi

en and Rubioz are sweet... Rubioz is huggi

hiding place. They were both surprised

are you here?

guys, why are you two her

t Rubioz laughed out loud. "We

at they are both hiding something. "Yup. We're just

Isn't Rubioz just taking advantage of S

goodbye before he answered the call. T

until it comes back? Why were you

Why are you going to bully me

y, I don't care about y

oz hiding, why can't he answer his call in front of us? If he leaves Seven alone, he'll get

ended. We are already on the b

mediately boarded the Motor. I took my bike and put on a helm

at an Apartment. Why?

put her arms around her and then took her inside. What could be there? I approached Banda by

it suddenly opened and Seven bumped int

?". then h

d the fifth is Rubioz who is topless. I also noticed some women with them. They were stunned to see

his mean, man?

opened it. It's Seven and I. Then w


" I asked softly but it wa

g yet. I told him I'll show him what I'm good for as

I thought y

t do you

If you're sane why would you bring me here. You said you were just

I showed him my cellphone. Seven's Daddy's nam

ttorney Peter Daez. Didn't your friend tell you that the woman he will bring here is the daughter of one of the best Our c

with him didn't move either. Then I took S

iet. Rubioz did

you ride in front of me. It's a shame that it's not a motorcycle bec

even is from Tagaytay. I'm sure my legs were shaking when I got home. I'll just wander around knowing he doesn't want to ask any q

want your parents to know what happened

and I didn'

te that matched the design of the Hou

ol tomorrow." I sa

go in first. The one you stepped on

. "Don't worry. G

tomorrow. Tha

the air. "There's nothing. Alrig

then locked it. "Alright. Just

I take is faster because I don't have a rider anymore

l phone is hanging on my steering wheel. I dialed Brother Mark's number. I even faster my

co?". it op

breath when a motorist came alongside me and kicked my bike. I lost my balance so I went limp u

his morning the. He told me that we should

re practicing. One of his teammates sa

ed out just now. Didn't he tell

it Marco?"

use why am I looking for Mar

d. "Marco is i

ed. "Hosp

inaldo Hi-way last night. His shot was a bit bad, so he didn't

ike, he's never had an accident and his cellphone is still cracked... it's like it w

hurt him like tha

he likes you, he just doesn't want to tell you so he's paying attention to you. Or now that you kn

al was he taken

l. It's near here. Are you g

I can

on the shoulder. "Yes, that wil

s. I can't believe that Marco likes me. What did He like about me? I though

go along with th

"Yes Hunter. Only you and

boz take you?" asked W

him. It's like there's someth

ng Winter smile. "How many times wi

used to fight like this

were all ready and the Che

spital was right there. As far as I know, it be

of me. What will I tell him later? I w

up to B

d including me. I heard Marco's happy voice when he saw his teammate

e with us also congratu

sure you'll be happy." Henry waved at me so I

you for a while, hasn't he, tolls!" at the

ou?" I asked seeing his sca

ed.". Marco's look

pped, bro? Who?

my cellphone. He had some friends. It's good they left me when I lo

uinaldo Hi-way bro, you live in

aid when he called me while those crazy people were

e wouldn't be like tha

e brought, Sir!"

ollowed you and something happened and then this guy of ou

. my sho

is up to. I'm fine. Do you have any fruit

ng at me. Who could he b

ou are not close to them." He even tap

e and s

I can go to school again. Maybe you'll t

I'm sorry. I'm the reaso

normal that we defend the peop

ay's Lunch. Have

ecause my nose is still swollen,

for saving me last night.

No one reacted even the


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