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If Only

Chapter 4 The Encounter

Word Count: 2217    |    Released on: 06/09/2023

mily's property that he was destroying. So, without a second

e guy stopped in his tracks, his head snapping in my direction.

e coursing through my veins. But I refused to back down. I had ca

as trouble, that much was clear. His face was etched with lines of mischief and defiance, and yet there was so

rembling slightly as I raised an eyebrow in

se of the conflicting emotions swirling within me. His eyes were a pale shade of blue, almost green in the harsh sunlight that beat down on us. His beard was a rough, unkempt thing, a testame

attention, a perfect, straight br

o had never faced hardship or struggle in their life. And yet, here he w

had just been caught vandalizing private property. It was like he didn't

thing I could do for you?" he

t to lash out. How could he be so blasé about this? Didn't he understand

. And then it hit me, like a bolt of lightning. He was the guy from the store, the o

ting an accusing finger at him.

e he had seen me before. And then, all at once, it clicked into place. His f

ng with sarcasm. He shook the can of spray paint in his h

ort, angry bursts. "But now I'm starting to think I sh

my nerves. It was like he was amused by my anger, li

I demanded, my vo

s face, like he was daring me to do something. And as I stared at him,

d so much more experienced, so much more world-weary than I could ever hope to be. It was li

d to prove it. Even if it meant facing him head-on, even if it meant risking everythin

private property and I can su

catching me off guard, his voic

't see a name carved on the thing so, m

stared at me like I'm the funniest little thing he's ever seen. His smug grin ne

s younger than my actual age threw me off the cliff. I fume at h

towards the house, "...will be officially named on me. So you are technically vandalizing a private property, which happens to be mine" I was out of breath after that. But the

rstand the concept of private property," I

please, spare me the lecture. Your grandpa's dead, and this house isn't even legally

blood boiling

property is up for grabs. And just because it's not legally mine yet d

stered public artist, I have the right to display my art in all but private establishm

sing that as an excuse to justify your vandalism. And I don't care if you have a

d, his gaze stil

ghten up a little, princess

t's not just a little paint. It's a violation of my proper

onchalance infuria

hat in court. I doubt anyone would take you ser

powering. "I may look young, but I know my rights. And I'll do wha

h, good luck with that. You'll need it." And with that, he s

his face and make him pay. I hadn't come all the way down here to be insulted by some cluele

ops on you, you dirty little slime ball! You are a total ass and you're going to end up behind b

ain stupid, to pick a fight with a grown man who was probably on drugs. But

ed his hands up, palms out in a fake gest

opriate for a sixteen-year-old to say to a twenty-five

to follow the rules. And for the love of God, I am eighteen years old!" I exc

asked, putting his spray paint can away in hi

y voice escalating to a fever pitch. I was surprised my mother wasn't out here yet

e were, I'm not breaking any of them," he

like a pot of hot water, and I was th

sake, STOP CALLING ME KID!" I was ready to rip

very last shred of my childishness. I was ready to pull out my phone and call the cops, but then I

s wron

ill had my phone in my pocket. Desperate for a distraction, I shouted, "I'll see

all, a devious smirk sti

bored of waiting, he said something that made my blood run cold. "I'm always in jail. It's p

ted to say more, but he cu

" he tipped a fake hat and fin

an't even begin to fathom how he had the audacity to insult me and deface my family's property. I hadn't even met h

nt forming an obscuring picture. I could feel my blood boiling at the mere thought of him returnin

e wind. But the more I thought about it, the more incensed I became. He must pay for his ac

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