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My crush, the billionaire heir

Chapter 5 Five

Word Count: 1694    |    Released on: 07/09/2023


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It is really bad; he is in a coma." "I really liked that little boy. I hope he will be fine." "Me too. Please text me the address." "Ok." She dropped the call. "Hey, text me the address so I can send it to my driver." "Ok." He texted her the address, which Lucia forwarded to her driver. She sat back down, facing the TV. "I am really curious about something." "What?" "Who is your boyfriend?" "I don't have a boyfriend." "T

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y." "Hey. I know you are mad, but I am so sorry. I was just so tired; I forgot to call." "It's ok, so how are you?" "Fine, how are you?" "I'm great. Hope you are comfortable." "Yes, I am. And even if I feel discomfort, I just have to think of you, right?" "Of

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down, before that hotel." "Ok, Sir." Austin dropped the call, and Andria left his shirt. Austin looked at his hands; he just couldn't stand the sight of the dirt. Just then, Andria walked out. "Where to?" "Coming." She returned with a bottle of water. "Won't you wash your hands?" "What?" "I bought water. Don't worry; I won't charge you." "But that water is not clean; I don't want it." "If you won't wash, forget." Austin yanked and opened the water, and she finished it. "Commoner, is that water safe for drinking?" "Peacock, do you know how much I bought this water? Well, you don't look poor." "Jeez." ." Just then, a black car arrived, and Sandra came down. "Are you ok, Sir?" "Just pay her for her oranges." "Am sorry, dear. Please, how much is your oranges?" "Eh, now someone is talking. The thing is, there are two types of oranges I sell here." "Really?" "Yes, nah, I have VIP oranges for only celebrities, you know, people like Austin Brow

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