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Whispers Across Time

Whispers Across Time


Chapter 1 The Archaeological Discovery

Word Count: 687    |    Released on: 07/09/2023

Soriah Duke wiped sweat from her brow and peered into the pit where her team of archaeologists toiled. She had spent y

st. Her expertise in deciphering ancient hieroglyphics had earned her respect

assistants called out. Soriah barely registere

ped and dropped to her knees, brushing away the sand with trembling hands. There, half-burie

ass was no ordinary one. Its face was adorned with intricate engravings, and the ne

Duke?" her assistant asked

now, but it's like nothing I've ever seen. It's

e and rose to her feet. "Everyone, we're done for th

, Soriah couldn't take her eyes off the compass. She knew it held the pr

the compass under the dim light of her lantern. Its engravings seemed to form a pattern

e ethereal glow intensified, bathing her in an eerie light. Without warning, sh

ed, replaced by a bustling medieval marketplace. She gazed in astonishment at the colorful stalls

to herself, feeling both exhi

She observed the architecture, the clothing of the people, and the language they

and protector. She met locals who accepted her as a foreigner and shared their stories and cu

ns had unintended effects on the timeline, altering the course of history in subtle ways. She

e shadows, always just out of reach. This figure, known as "The Temporal Thief," seem

was not just a key to the past—it was a beacon of responsibility. She would have to unlock it

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