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System Ascend

Chapter 3 Shadow lurking beneath

Word Count: 1175    |    Released on: 09/09/2023

arkness. It was said that he had amassed an army of corrupted players and was amassing power to unleash his wicked scheme. “You should run away instantly the moment you see anyone wea

us food and serve it to him before he dies. If he like it then you will be rewarded with turtle shell. You can exchange it to get B ranked shield. The second one would be finding a dragon nest and steal an egg. You have to deliver it to the YinYang restaurant at North Macedonia city. You will receive a thousand zenny as a reward. The third task is the hardest and more than fifty-five players are already given the task to complete it. It is to defeat the underworld boss Thanatos. The reward is the Holy sword, an S rank sword. Since the reward is big, completing the task is also very hard. Players from level 5 to level 30 can all participate. Only twenty days remain until the deadline. Tasks like this only appear once a year, so you better try hard and win it.” Fairy tells the two players. David gets a bit nervous but also excited for the next adventure. Lisa grabs his hand and starts leading him through the dark jungle. He is not sure what she is doing but follows her anyway. ‘What else am I going to do?’ He thinks. The longer the journey goes on, the more nervous David becomes. “An entire guild can participate in this task, right?” Lisa asks the fairy. “Yes, the prize will be distributed among all the guild members upon completion. There's only one sword, so value of the sword will be distributed and nobody will be able to receive the sword. A guild must have ten players Max and at least five players in order to participate. You two do not seem to be in any guild, would you like me to suggest some guilds for you? I can search the web and find public guilds for you to join.” “No it's fine, I know a guild we can join. We will be back with them.” Lisa holds Davids hand, making him blush. Lisa takes David and starts walking through the jungle. Finally, after about 15 minutes of walking through the maze of jungle, Lisa stops. David walks up behind her and sees a giant statue standing near the t

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