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System Ascend

Chapter 5 Never giving up

Word Count: 1477    |    Released on: 10/09/2023

being surrounded by so many unknown people, so he has decided to enter the game through the old man's game chamber. “I had a grandson who looked just like you, so you should call me gran

akes Lisa worried and she runs back to David to protect him. It throws a fireball at the two and Lisa manages to guard themselves with the shield. David feels like a complete loser as Lisa is getting hurt while protecting him. “You don't have to protect me, I can fight by myself. I came here to get strong, not to rely on others and trouble others. If I die then all of my achievements till now will be gone, right? You have far too many achievements. It will be a big waste if you are the one to die and respawn. You should run away. I will distract it.” David tells her to run away. Lisa hesitates at first but David makes her listen to him. Before she ran away, she gave five of her magic crystals to battle the dragon. Of course, even with them, it would be impossible to defeat such a higher-level beast. The dragon whips its tail towards David and he gets thrown into the lake. He loses half of his HP with just that attack. David spits blood out of his mouth and smiles at the vicious animal. “Not gonna lie, You look kind of cute” David laughs and thinks to himself that it is over. But just when the dragon throws fire at him. He gets up and dodges it. “Why did I dodge it? I have no chance of defeating that thing, I should just peacefully die.” David closes his eyes to accept his fate and get killed. Then he dodges another attack from the dragon instead of taking the hit. “I keep on dodging the attacks. Why is that? Do I believe I can take it down? Maybe I should try to do it instead of just accepting defeat. Who cares if it has a higher level than me? Do I have no chance of defeating it? How can I or anyone know when I have not even tried?” David decides to fight the dragon and not give up. David looks at the five magic crystals Lisa gave him. One of them can create illusions to distract the enemy, another one can create smoke. The other three can summon powerful energy beams. The dragon is way faster than David and it manages to catch up to David and bite him to death. But it realizes that the one it attacked was just an illusion. David distracted the dragon and attacked one of its eyes with his sword. The dragon screams in pain and it starts bleeding. It tries to throw flames at David but he uses another crystal to cover the entire area with smoke. David uses this opportunity to attack one of the other eyes and destroy it as well. however, the dragon shields its

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