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The Captain of the Kansas

The Captain of the Kansas



Word Count: 3663    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

the cushions of her deck chair. A steward was arranging tea for two at a small tab

t the tea. Already the brisk sea-breeze had kissed the Chilean pallor from Elsie's face, which had regained its English peach-bloom. Isobel Baring'

er," purred Isobel again, as she sub

be justified. But you know, dear, we may run in

l lau

creamy orchid. And what luck to have a chum so disinterested as you where a lot of nice me

have already discovered a

iend a cup of tea a

Andes, I kept an eye, both eyes in fact, on our compulsory acquain

certainly. Somewhat

showed all her fi

a satisfactory bite o

reserve out of him. He

before we meet that te

u promised

ly to sleep, eat, and read novels all the way to London? Then, indeed, I

find safety

little Count. He twisted his mustache with such an

o give the chatterer

ed good-humoredly. Even the most sensible people, and Elsie was very

all. And I am sure Monsieur le Comte Edouard de Poincilit will

lessons? And you actually

help, who is to take care of le p'tit Edouard while I give the captain a trot round. Don't look cross, there's a darling, though you do remind me, when you open

ade yourself out to be. Now, Isobel, that does not matter a bi

un peu risqué. Steward! Give my compliments to Captain Courtenay, and say that

ned forward, with a certain squaring of the shoulder

fair warning, Isobel, I must not be included in impromptu invitations o

tut! as dad says when he can't swear before ladi

as a little pause. Isobel closed her eyes lazily, bu

mere suggestion of any one's paying me compliments and trying to be fascinating is so repellent that I cringe at the thought. And even o

ised her head fr

ned wooer, then? What

ttentions. Oh, I should have

of person-too serious," a

was a half-caste; his E

busy, he no come

erry laugh. Isobel bounced up from the depths

im-" sh

courteous explanation in Spanish that the commander could not leave the chart-house until the Kansas had rounded the low-lying, red

uel & Co., Mining and Export Agents, the leading house in Chile's principal port. Notwithstanding Elsie's previous outburst, the steward was sent back to ask if the ladies might visit the bridge later. M

Isobel, triumphantly.

nquest. The steward wi

t splendid. It will pr

omes too

Isobel paid no heed. The imminent protest was le

on one of those brass treads the remainder of the da

companion with a wicked little laugh. To Courtenay, p

more dependable t

t purpose, Miss Baring," s

warship, stood outside a haven of plate glass, shining mahogany, and white paint. The woodwork of the deck was scrubbed until it had the color of new bread. An officer paced

the bright interior, before she gave the commander a look which was

lways wide-awake here. My quarters are farther aft. I think I can

y to a spacious cabin

he said, taking off his hat. "So far above sea line, you know,

el, promptly, her quick eyes having discovered the pic

always plenty of warning. No ordinary se

r, the dear old lad

he other is

ly! Is sh

he is wedded to

it rude if I a

tron, indeed, of a public instit

nd self-sacrificing, and they always have a smile on their sweet faces. O

brown shoe with a wistful resignation. Courtenay was politely incredulous, bu

a," cried Isobel. "I ma


y glance at her. Certainly, the notion of Isobel Baring claimin

that you cannot d

in Courtenay took milk and sugar, and

f I can guess

nt. Thus far she had not addressed a word to Courtenay, though by his manner he had included her in the conversation. She now resolved to break in

king, not at him, but at a row of books fitting closely into a smal

,' Miss Maxwe

ity of their binding. I have never before seen the Bi

l trouble was to secure editions of equal size-an essentia

ng! Shakespeare, th

rbert Spencer, Goethe'

rdsworth, The Egoist,

d Japan! Where have I

galaxy of s

e motive of her exclamation was merged now in the fine ardor of the book-lover. She had an unconscious trick of placing the forefinger of her right hand on her lips when deep

ms, his essays, Werther?-Ah, I know-'the crowning offence of Werther.' A Stevenson library! Each volume he recommends in 'Books

iation had a downright, honest ring in it that went far beyond th

my collection; you are the first t

I am a worshiper of R. L. S., but I have been shocked to find that for a hundred who ca

upon a topic that shou

ell, that is my pet s

have even lectured my

on the

part, with a sudden consciousness that they were speaking unguardedly, for

where is Joey

h and a yawn, from beneath a bunk. He had heard his name

should have thought that he would bark, or p

Colon, and he regards South American hotels as the natural dwelling-place of cat

ld have classified

scriminating. Wha

ently, he found the conversation tr

slept with one eye open," sa

cried Isobel. "

ants to speak then. You won't bite me, will you, dear?" And Elsie sank on o

s a prime favorite on board the Kansas," commented Isobel. The other gir

intruders," she said lightly. "We forget that he is busy

r chair round t

," she said. "I am very comfortable, than

answer, the officer o

est of the Buei Rock, sir," he

, taking up his cap. "I must

at his heels, and the

ie, uneasily. Already she half regretted the impulse w

eneath my very nose, and coolly propose that I should vacate the battlefield. Oh dear, no! I ca

you knew how

feet, folded her arms, and gave

love my dog,' eh? You act

ch, at any rate," was Elsie's quiet retort as she turned t

heedle Edouard by quoting the classics of his native tongue

of love-making on the part of any man on board. Already her astonishment at Elsie's unlooked-for vivacity was yielding to the humor of meeting such a rival. The Count might serve as a foil, but the real quarry now was the captain. That very night there would be a moon. And the sea was calm as a sheltered lake. Isobel's lips parted in a deligh

and the quick rush of feet along the deck; Courtenay's

at!" he

aught the sounds of a distant scuffle. Then a pi

ed Courtenay again. "Nex

of the bridge. He disappeared. Joey, barking furiously, trotted into view and ran back again. Creeping forward, they saw the stolid sailor within the chart-house squint at the compass and give

ible would happen now. But why had the shot been fired,

was flowing from his leg; it smeared the white deck. The officer who had climbed down so speedily from the bridge was directing two other men how to lift him. Close by, the chief officer, M

ide-eyed at this somewh

ay appr

voyage, too. I hope it will not upset you. That rascally Chilean tried to knife Mr. Boyle, and those other

mptuous coolness as to the fate of the m

d at his legs. Only a

mured Elsie. "Was

He resented it. He knew he had done rightly, and she knew that she had given offence by her involuntary sympathy with the suffering Chilean

to lift him above the canvas screen so that he might see what was going on. But Elsie could only reach blind

r the moon had power to draw the captain of

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