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The Captain of the Kansas


Word Count: 4552    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

umor soon went the rounds that the giant wave which pooped the ship had carried away two of her six boats, there were no visible signs of flu

sixty-three were men of mixed nationalities, ranging from Spanish-speaking Chileans to negroes. There were eight under-stewards, a cook and his assistants, and nearly fif

shed to the engine-room at the first indication of a mishap, found his chief lying in collapse on the lever platform. Walker promptly opened certain levers which allowed the steam to escape freely; then

n, the noise of the explosion differed little from the thunderous blows of the sea. But the stopping of the engines awoke him instantly. He felt the ship lurch away fro

n way in the en

rnaces, which gave off the most noisome fumes owing to the rapid condensation of steam and water escaping from the damaged pipes. But the gale raging without served one good purpose in driving plenty of air dow

ces of iron plate had been hurled about in wild confusion. The door of one furnace was blown clean out of its bolts; furnace bars and fire-bricks strewed the iron

his post. So, choking back his misery, he organized the work of rescue. Slings were formed of ropes, and those men in whom any signs of life were visible were the first to be lifted to the upper deck. The stoke-hold was quickly emptied of its inanimate occupants; living and dead alike

. Then he drew a chart from the locker in which he had placed it two hours earlier. Mr. Boyle, who had been

of anxiety. "The course was South-40-East, and, against this wind and sea, together with a strong current to the nor'e

Boyle, whose peculiar gifts in the way of speech were ac

" he

lanced at a

I reckon that since the ship swung round we have

d, the Kansas was a doomed ship. The pin stuck where the Admiralty chart recorded soundings of one hundred fathoms with a fine sand bed. The longitude was 75-50 west of Gree

as they are very imperfectly known, and, from their wild,

Hanover Island. Lending a fearful significance to the unknown character of the region, a printed comment followed the dotted line: "This coast is laid down from distant observations on board the Beagle." So the sea face of Hanover Island had not been visited by civilized man for nearly sixty years! There, not three hours' steamin

oaring chaos of the gale told what fate awaited them. The elemental forces ha

s lips; he looked s

id. "What's

ed the captain, coo

icer, outside on the bridge, had to cling to a stanchion for his life. Courtenay and Boyle saw two boats wrenched from their davits and carried overboa

give the ship steering-way by hoisting the foresail. Will you see to it? Then I intend

In a few seconds the captain heard a flow of ornate Spanish, an

as any man before the mast. Courtenay patted his head, opened a drawer in the writing-table, and drew forth two photographs, which he kissed. He replaced them, locked the drawer, and

aloon, he found the chief o

Strait?" he asked, pointing to the doubtfully marked c

ains'le we might

y i

, and he was off agai

enue of escape which remained. Here, again, was one of those trivial circumstances which are so potent in the shaping of events. Had either of the sails blown out, or had the mainsail been set at the same time as the foresail, the course followed during the next few hours must have been deviated from to some extent, and the alter

he had procured for the dog's protection in cold latitudes. He ransacked two lockers before he found it. Several articles were tumbled in a heap on the floor in his haste, and he did not trouble to pack them away again. He buckled Joey into the garment, fastened his own oilskins, and rejoined the second offi

r, the wind has

, whose presence on the bridge was a mere matter of form, owing to the powerless condition of the ship and the impenetrable wrack of foam and mist that barred vision ahead, and strode off on a tour of inspection. As wind and sea were now beating more directly on the port side, there was some degree of shelter along the covered-in deck to starboard. He found that two boats had be

e one peering out at him. Owing to the thickness of the glass and its blurred condition, he could not tell whether the

y ajar. Joey, ever eager to be out of the pelting sto

Joey! Where is

ng?" asked Courtena

a heavy ulster, and had a Tam o' Shanter

ins. I came for mine, and I looked out and saw you. I wanted to

m just going to him. W

ll be most

, you know. And there are-others

ay be of som

p out quickly and hold tight to that r

ions, and presently found herself clinging desperately to the brass hand-rail which ran, breast high, along the outer wall of her cabin. She saw Courtenay kneel to fasten a bolt, and she wondered how a man

ck and trust

p them from their stays. Courtenay held her glued to his left side, and there was something reassuring in his vice-like grasp. She had a dim notion that he need not squeeze her quite so earnestly, until sh

oats near which Courtenay had halted. The sailors

rting one of the English s

aking her to?"


me wherever she is. If

tupid. They always try to save wom

d they went on with their work. But such muttered conf

ge, Elsie received another reminder of the force of the wind, w

do, he picked her up in his arms, and deposited her, all flushed and breathless, in the shelter of the fore sal

which gave support down the companion-way. "Dr. Christobal is below. But-I fea

ount. I think I am pas

something, be of som

ay. Joey, who had followed bravely in their wake, and

te safe here if you grip the rail. Even if a sea breaks over the hatc

and she was grateful to him for it. She did n

not be in the way, I know that there are wounded men to be attended,

and could have played and sung to cheer othe

glow in her face. Somehow, it was delightful to hear those words from such a man in the hour of his supremes

ensibly to grasp

he said, "let me tell yo

dead than living. Christobal, aided by two sailors, was wrapping lint round a fireman's seared arm. Happily, there was an abundance of cotton sheets available, and the men

her to you in case she might be able to ren

with the slowness of an elderly

e waved a hand towards the men laid on mattresses on the deck. Most were qu

s her

ssible. Whe

in the c

of it would be an abiding horror. He wanted Christobal himself to send her away, but the

permitted. Please say that I hope to join her in the saloon in a quarter of an hour. My work

on the sailor that this elegant old Spaniard delegated the task of explanation to him solely because he d

ancing at the quiet form

way, just one word.

he concluding se

poor one. But I shall come to the saloon and wa

here." And the doctor signed to his helpers

eet face, instinct with life and beauty, gazing down at him. How monstrous it was to think of such a fair woman being battered out of recognition against the rocks. He

sence. He was exceedingly distressed at being compelled to send you such a message. How

f steward to adjust life-belts; but Isobel was in a frenzy of despair, her maid had fainted, de Poincilit and the Spaniards were muttering alternate appeals to the saints and oaths of utter abandonment, and Mrs. S

raid I have been a b


to do in the world. Let me go out first. Never mind Joey. He can strug

posed portion of the deck. She felt Courtenay dragging her on irresistibly until they gained the lee of the smoking-room. He let her rest there, beneath the ladder leading to the bridge. Then a stran

in my cabin a little


ld succeed in calming Isobel. In order to make herself heard s

ly too pleased. But be patient w

oman's comfort. His dismal forebodings were banished by a rush of absurd delight at the thought that he would have an opportunity of speaking to her occasionally. What a brave girl she w

rward at a ridiculous angle against the tearing wind, obeyed instantly

feet again, and hardly knew where she was until she found herself in the haven of Court

oor on you?" and the captain so f

and she smil

Baring in about five minutes.

wind moderated, he could save the Kansas yet! He glanced at the compass. Still the same course. Not a fraction of a point gained to the north. That was bad. The ship was already within the danger

to a rail, he waited, rigid as a statue. A second time the great steel hull shook, but much more violently. Then the

leaped triumphantly over the rails and nearly smothered him with its dense spray. So this was the end? It had come all too soon. And what

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