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Mr. President is a vampire

Chapter 3 A fling with a strange

Word Count: 2395    |    Released on: 16/09/2023

hold back with reticence. “I have to go... Um, They will

ething underneath but he hardly l

h to control himself. He raised his

ou? What should I do to

p to meet his contentious gaze. He was a bit taller than her, she tiptoed and th

fell on his chest. She tiptoed and leaned over till their lips met. Since she wasn't in her right m

ly that she even kissed him. He'd have pushed her away

“Yeah I know I'm handsome, you can drool all you want but I

fall. Adrien grabbed her before she could. Cleopatra abruptly grabbed his hands on his waist and t

nk,” Adrien said. He let

going to leave me here?” She

d frustratedly. He held the door handle, just

'm talking to yo

e arm. “How about I give you what you want then you feed me.” He whispered against her lips, holding h

he swallo

ed in till his lips met hers, sending a shiver down her body. When he kissed her, Cleopatra didn't hesitate to hold back. She reci


living room. I checked his body to see he was wearing his pajamas. I knew he was ready to retire to bed b

alone? Wher

whirled to look at him. I walk

nt over to join

” Dad asked, wandering around the living room. I sa

an adult. However, she's old enough t

late and our daughter is not yet back. Ho

use I couldn't sleep. Our daughter is back and you don't expect me to have a heart

ay to you. Brenda, did you

sleep over as well. Don't worry, dad. She's old enough to take care of herself.

ally scared that she might be in trouble. And

lenced it while st

g sigh and t

. It's already late.” He was the

offer. Ever since I had you she has been so envious of you, always competing with you. She'll be acting innocent but deep down she'

about her so you should. She was once your

say that, so she lifted a b

say tha

t to excuse myself. If I didn't do that she might keep me awake all night with her compla

” she c

so much.” I kissed her ch

e's going to escape the trap this time,” I mumbled while staring at the ceilings. Justin hasn


ll couldn't find Cleopatra. I headed back to Dailey who

hiding under that thing.

e is Karl?” She dusted h

t's one o'clock already and

s to get laid, don't you th

know. Cleopatra wouldn't just have a fling with a random guy she ju

et's be honest, she did

runk and left her phone

t Justin who was standing in front of me. I rolled my eyes. “

with you?” Dailey look

waited for her since her sist

heck was that? What did

nd her?” Karl asked a

ted at Justin. “He said they we

all know who Justin is, he's a dangerous guy. We can't assu

ng to her. She was drunk so


maniac!” Karl landed a punch on his pretty face and he end

I resist such beauty? But I swe

to check everywhere. He must have hidden her somewhere aroun

those bloodsuckers wouldn't have done anything bad to her. My foot stepped

ould she? Of course not. She won't be able to get in there without an invite.” However, there weren't any securities around. Just about to wa

self. Just how silent the lodge was, I was

t the hell is wrong with you? I can't believe you got drunk and ended up here. Serves you right, you should have b

neck. I noticed it was just a bloodstain on her. I heaved

s huge money from? I wondered. “Cleo, you get the hell up or I sm

wly sat up. She fluttered her e

pain I couldn't put a word to. “Mhm

been looking for you.” She rubbed the heel of her hand

I doing here?” She

know how you end up here. But let's go. M

da, has s

ed to rise, she groaned in pain and then slumped back to the bed. There was

…like, wait," She widened her eyes and moved a hand to her thighs. Her hand was stained wit

ore bursting into delighted laughter

up here but no one will rape you and leave you some…” I couldn't complete the sen

elled up w



that? How am I supposed to know? I wasn't in my

She ign

sa, this is dri

nothing to worry about since he didn't ki


meone rescued you... Or you were wandering around till you ended up here, he thought

ur words? I thought you were my fr

feel bad, that's why you should pretend th

r and his voice was so cold. His hands were cold but


ause he thinks I'm a whore? I'm not a whore why would he pay me? He should have just left me alone.” She grabbed the bucks an

oing to find that pervert

er. Her phone rang. She disengaged and p

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