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Mr. President is a vampire

Chapter 4 Happy no more a virgin

Word Count: 1866    |    Released on: 16/09/2023


night?” Nelson queri

ght?” I snapped, then glanced back at him. “And you

when you didn't call

chortled wh

people... I'm glad you made it alive.” H

I ignored what he said and wal

e room and then put

y?” He stared at me an

hoping that he would q

o you

. “Don't be so inquisitive, Nelson. Maybe I should tell

f hers.” I expla

He exclaimed. “I beg your p

night's event flashed across my mind. I couldn't believe I fucked a random lady. “I had a

back? I cursed underneath. It must be the lady's nails.

I turned to the right side, staring at my reflection. I ruffled my hair after pouring shampoo

I put the towel aside after drying my hair and then used the hair dryer. My phone rang, and I didn't


w I was trying to avoid that woman, I couldn't deal with

ing to his text message. “I'll think about it. She might be


ad a call and told him about my whereabouts. Karl and I walked alongside, he inter

s she would be

re.” She called ou

es as we walke

Karl drew a seat for me

t are you guys up to?” Her

n't believe

s your l

is, why didn't you attend?” K

you don't tell me.” She

He queried while

There she is.” She pointed at

matically. She placed the package on the table ri

have for me

rust her, Cleo.” Karl said, dr

glare before ope

oked at me. I shrugged my shoulders. “You got her a cake

to her innocence.” Melisa and Dail

t laugh. “Are you

e and finally, you did. Sweetheart, you have t

if it was nothing, but after an hour of different quotes and words, I shrugged it off as if it

l seethed. He was trying not to show it

ets la

jokes.” I interrupted Lisa befor

t are you tr

t him before I could control myself. They looked at me, and Daile

ew his chair back. “I need to use the re

, and I didn't know how to conceal my facial expression

long minute of awkward silence. I grabbed

o tell him everything that happened to me?

shouldn't have done that to him, even if you aren't go

ything as she was lo

to expose every one of

ace f

here alone without him. I'm

I knew I was overreacting s

ccepted until you give me

ad. “I can only give you that. Wa

tasted the cake.

hing else,” D

gry forever, you

kept a straight face, no frown or smile. However,

I order the same thing for bot

mouth busy after eating too.” He walk

s you,”

n't reciprocate

e in love with

ll always be my best friend and

h, Cleo,” Dai

ot now. I need time to think

s, in the same order. “You two can share this, I'm going to sha

much, Pumpkin. He didn't even bother to ask for what we'd lik

okies into my mouth. He collected it and

oy my cookies in peace.” I frowned. We star

I'm going to eat it all and you won't get any

ed without a word. Ka


ved the cookie t

” I ch

t a pet na

a pet name right n

e. Sharing expands love. Have a bite, ho

nk y

re wel

home. I walked into my room and shut the do

knew she was the one who stepped becau

as the party? You didn't

e I couldn't make it

you enjoy

asking? As


nderwear. “It has nothing t

without me since I left the nightclub early. It's j

n she said that but

t so could you please leave t

the one that ruined your... oh never mind, I'll l

You're trying to sa

but now you can't have it all.” She sa

ed the blanket. I shut my eyes too well, coming to a beautiful sleep. She wa

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