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Chapter 4 Screams

Word Count: 1463    |    Released on: 18/09/2023

Mrs.hamsvill had found me by the bor

to help with the pain and mixed some herbs together which she also applied on the deep cuts and wounds she had stitched up with the aid of Arron to hold me

hink about that night but the memories, screams, the pain I had to undergo when I was being patched up felt like hell and unbearable, I was sure I passed out completely afterwards cause I couldn't make out a lot of t

rned the rest of the land to a farm where they can grow crops and rear life stocks. It was surprising to me when I found out that this two couples where wealthy, to acquire such a land and as a matter of fact had some servants who I had noticed come around every now and then to work on the farm and tend to the an

ut not as that of a vampire, he has a slender body size with an height I can estimate to about 6'3, compered to me who's 5'9, judging from his accent I could tell without asking

ich matched up and completed the facials and complemented the elegant beauty that she was. Something I would have love to have when I grow old as well but unfortunate for me, I ended up with blue eyes and dark wavy hair. She was lig

them for dinner last night and Mrs. Becky even went out of her way and helped get me some clothing's which fitted me perfectly but was a bit loose so as not to make direct contact with my bruised and patch up body, she had also supporting my weight with the use her shoulders to help stabilize my movement when she took me

would only say I should be careful not to hurt myself, and t

tual name is Sarah, it was the first time for me to hav

had to flee our separate ways to avoid being hunted all together. Becky felt sorry for my lose and I couldn't help than to feel sorry for my self as well and most importantly I felt sorry for having to put them through all of t

SOUTH" as we the outside world called it was known as "kalinovarnia", novania for short which was also the name of its capital. He told me that it had some other small towns and villages. And that the part of kalinovania which I was being sheltered at right now was known as 'novania creek', he further explained to me the

uman dwellers exist and leave here, but at a high cost that even money couldn't buy but he never mention

and how two elderly people of their caliber could be wealthy but at the same time be so noble. I had to let the thought slide away because I would only get more unanswered que

r the night and blew off the candles, moments after I fell asleep and t

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