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The Billionaires Vampire Lover

Chapter 2 Curiosity

Word Count: 1565    |    Released on: 18/09/2023

ded there, it felt like I was an ordinary woman waiting for her boss while he attends an important meeting hoping it doesn't take long before he comes out with som

boring into me to the point that his glade was almost a caress to my skin. Without being discreet, he had said, "You are so beautiful that I could not help looking at you." Before He extended his hands inviting me to dance with him, I gladly accepted, we danced to our heart's content. If I was back in the hall, at least I would socialize a, maybe even become friends with withrand High Mistress. It would be been an honourhonorould come handy anytime. it's not like I was the only one here, we were three in total, the other two were obviously mistresses of the High Grand Master, but they kept glaring at me as they conversed. I did not know what I did to offend them maybe they just hated me because I was a turned vampire, natural-born vamps tend to have favoritism for the natural births and I was just not in the mood to confront anyone right now so I just ignored them like they don't exist. I decided to give myself a tour around the building, I did not know when Aiden would be back, but I hoped to be back where he left me in no time. I saw a fridge by the edge of the room, I hadn't handed any today, I've been busy preparing for this evening, well Russ my best did most of the work in making me look this glamorous anyway I was glad, blood was also in the fridge. I just took a bottle in my hand and gulped the whole thing before continuing on my adventure. Right after I passed through a door, I saw a bright wall of paintings, there were drawings of what appeared to be vampires who fought wars led by the grandmaster. His face is the only one I could recognize from the drawings, there were also people surrounded by vampires, looks like they were being turned into vampires. I kept staring at the wall mesmerized by its content, towards the end of the wall lay a painting of what seemed to be humans and vampires celebrating, they held together with a round object. Which I think symbolizes the earth, so I understood that at first vampires hunted the humans and tried to make many of them leading to war, but then an agreement was settled upon so the humans and vampires worked together to exalt the earth. But since this painting is already here, doesn't that mean the humans and vampires have already reached an agreement to settle together in peace, then what's the essence of today's meeting, and why did they call it the first of its kind? I still pondered upon it when I suddenly felt a masculine aura around me. This is not just any type of aura, it has a sweet scent accompanying it. It was like nothing I've ever scented before. It felt like it was raining, I su

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