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The Billionaires Vampire Lover

Chapter 4 The Christmas Party

Word Count: 1676    |    Released on: 18/09/2023

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ce was not that much. She was not inside, her scent lingered in the room but not her presence, after a little minute, she appeared in the house too. When I saw her, I literarily froze on the spot, she really did surprise me, but not with the cloth I had expected, she wore a very bright red colored slim fitted dress. It wasn't too tight but it made justice to her body and brought out all her perfect figures. It's such a shame she always hid all that behind those baggy clothes. 'Why... Why do you always hide all these behind baggy shirts and trouser' I starmered while motioning to her backside, it was pretty impressive, scratch that, very interesting, I would love to hold that and feel the softness with my hands, suddenly dirty thoughts started clouding my mind. She smiled shyly after understanding what meant, it was the first time I saw her being shy, she's cute. Makes me want to undress her and do some ungodly things to her. When we arrived, she seemed in a hurry to let go of my hand after teleporting her and myself to the Rock Hall, the place where Grand High Master usually holds his infamous parties. She moved from my embrace and looked around her. I just stared at her while she admired the scene before her. She looked young, happy and full of energy, I felt happy just looking at her. I smiled and extended my arms towards me her again, 'Let's go,' I said with a smile engraved on my face. The hall was beautifully decorated but this time it was extra maybe because of the changes incurred. I greeted the vampires I came across, kept the gift we brought, we danced and generally had a good time. It felt like we were any other normal couples attending another ball and just having fun. Having fun until I heard a mind link telling me to come to the conference room, I already know where it is so I naturally headed that way while holding unto my date. We entered the office that revealed other vampires, the room was not decorated like the hall we just left. Many heads turned and looked towards our way when we entered the office room, I nodded at some of them and was heading to take a seat but I noticed the Grand High Master was right in front of me. I greeted him again very politely, "Your highness" Then I noticed his eyes were glued to Ivy, I though he had "other plans" for her so I held her tightly. "What did you say your name is young lady?" He asked in a serious mood. I quickly sent her a mind link to use her full name Ivanka, since he was serious, he would not apprecate her using a short form of her name. She's smart enough to give a one word answer. "Ivanka" I gave her a thumbs up in my mind. "I know! her beauty might have been enchanting enough for you that you brought her into the Inner chamber" I actually knew he was going to talk about it. I only remembered only High Masters' or their representatives whould partakee in the meeting. I was carried away by her beauty and entered the chamber unin

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