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Targyren Heir

Chapter 5 The Prey becomes Hunter when the Predator blinks

Word Count: 1194    |    Released on: 19/09/2023

ed. Talya woke up. She glanced at the bed

et. She was a highborn woman, a lady in wait

as if she never left. Walking up to the des

damp roads before meeting the wo

quite a nig

d woman yet retaining her curvaceous figure t

ages here- Ta

sure what is going on... I have to admit th

n prince. He is set to die, his wails could be heard across all the hallways of the R

uld die. What would come after was a mystery but it was eith

der Aegon's rule... the r

ving multiple bastards to having them fight other kids

er and King Viserys's first child had been vying for the thro

che coming over, her f

to the keep and tell me

htly and left fr

clothes revealing her beautiful body. She m

beginning to

suspicion. She walked towards her chambers w

rince already passed away in his sleep? Even she

ad not discreetly mentioned so. The woes of her father were hard to bare. He w

was none other than him, it greatly sad

deeper secrets that he refused to confide in. Althou

ng. For now, all she wished for was a

e saw a red gleam in the darkness of th

anding there, watching her. She could see the ou

heard other than the sound of silence. Sudd


ratedly. It was a man clad in armor.

t her coldl

doing awake

he man probably could not recognize her in the dread

water for


are you d

a break but ha

time to remove amour and finally pee. So the breaks

he red gleam seem to have disappeared

rotection. She sighed lightly and held the lamp higher

further until the g

nything strang

a bl


suddenly flew, the flame in the lamp instantly fli

a tong hitting a large bell. The same that was i

his was a


dripped down her nape. She had a feeling someone was watching her... and the m

s that gleamed in the darkness flickering e

whispered to Talya faintly alt

as getting to him as well but it was less compared to th


aze hearing the guard's voice that was

that she was there, yet the

omething, she had not n

pite the temperature, a chill went

ent, her body trembled all over as if she was going to

elt a pang of pain in her neck as all po

lost. A passionate fire burned inside her, yet her body f

yes and let the darkness take over but

by what she could make out,

hem but all she could feel w


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