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The Billionaire's Untamed Desire

Chapter 12 Really He Wants to Come Back

Word Count: 1276    |    Released on: 27/09/2023


y he had distanced himself after our passionate night together had left me feeling used and discarded. But

Liam had

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1 Chapter 1 My Chaotic First Day on the Job2 Chapter 2 Accusations3 Chapter 3 The Tie That Bites the Soul4 Chapter 4 Is This a Plot 5 Chapter 5 I Smell a Fish6 Chapter 6 The Fall...but Please No!7 Chapter 7 The Retreat of Passion8 Chapter 8 How Much Do I Fall9 Chapter 9 I Want Him10 Chapter 10 The Disappointment11 Chapter 11 The Awkward Beginning 12 Chapter 12 Really He Wants to Come Back13 Chapter 13 A Drink That Turned Out Nasty14 Chapter 14 F&%K It, I Love Him15 Chapter 15 He's So Good 16 Chapter 16 Treated Right 17 Chapter 17 Tit for Tat18 Chapter 18 The Heat of the Moment19 Chapter 19 The Spark of Love 20 Chapter 20 The Shock of a Lifetime 21 Chapter 21 Not Now 22 Chapter 22 Why Would This Be 23 Chapter 23 Passion Lost 24 Chapter 24 Starting Afresh 25 Chapter 25 The Challenge26 Chapter 26 What Are the Secrets 27 Chapter 27 A Stich in Time Saves Nine28 Chapter 28 What Does She Have Against My MAN 29 Chapter 29 Is This Game Over 30 Chapter 30 Game Over Girl31 Chapter 31 The Pain of the Past 32 Chapter 32 She never Leaves 33 Chapter 33 The Psycho Lurks Behind the Curtians34 Chapter 34 A Moment of Respice35 Chapter 35 Budding Love, Not Lost36 Chapter 36 I Can't Say It37 Chapter 37 She Needs To Be Tamed38 Chapter 38 The Thief Who Wants What She Wants39 Chapter 39 She's Manipulative40 Chapter 40 Thoughts Untamed41 Chapter 41 Last Straw 42 Chapter 42 Nothing Serious 43 Chapter 43 Chaos Once More 44 Chapter 44 Disturber45 Chapter 45 No Where Near me 46 Chapter 46 Days' Strange 47 Chapter 47 Pissed Off 48 Chapter 48 Exposed 49 Chapter 49 Nora, My Love 50 Chapter 50 Arrival 51 Chapter 51 Joy in Sorrows 52 Chapter 52 The Joy of Motherhood53 Chapter 53 Desperation Lurks 54 Chapter 54 A Means of Escape55 Chapter 55 Hope 56 Chapter 56 Is This a New Beginning 57 Chapter 57 Solange's Revenge 58 Chapter 58 Save the Hostages59 Chapter 59 The Rage 60 Chapter 60 The Revenge 61 Chapter 61 I Need to Get her BACK62 Chapter 62 We are Close 63 Chapter 63 Slipped once 'Again'64 Chapter 64 The Fury 65 Chapter 65 Acknowledging the Changes 66 Chapter 66 She's Losing It67 Chapter 67 Knowing of Self68 Chapter 68 I am Not Crazy!69 Chapter 69 I hope She isn't Crazy! 70 Chapter 70 The Breather 71 Chapter 71 When Peace is Needed 72 Chapter 72 The Event of Betrayal 73 Chapter 73 Prison 74 Chapter 74 Nora's Fury75 Chapter 75 Torn Hearts 76 Chapter 76 Trapped77 Chapter 77 Escape 78 Chapter 78 Anger 79 Chapter 79 Revenge 80 Chapter 80 Hope 81 Chapter 81 A Plan 82 Chapter 82 Negotiation of Freedom 83 Chapter 83 Desperation 84 Chapter 84 More Desperation 85 Chapter 85 The threat Of Solange 86 Chapter 86 The Evil she has to separate our Love 87 Chapter 87 Love Unbroken 88 Chapter 88 Restitution 89 Chapter 89 Everything Has an End