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The Odd Dragon Out

Chapter 2 Saying Goodbyes

Word Count: 1729    |    Released on: 20/09/2023

had been whipped by it on the buttocks, he staggered f

other hurriedly held down his hat so that it wouldn't partake in a

pposed to be pointed, like those the other 'normal' Shamans wor

se had sat on it, and now, the hat foreve

place for this, di

er a response. He merely stood there, trying to hold

the boy, and s

yes so that the dusty wind wouldn't throw obstacles in them –

now it hurts, but you

ad of rough, black hair. Of course, there were the few, long str

le raising his head with a bitter expression. His large, sug

pain. He knew Ginger was fighting

so w

nder voice he could,

and even before... no child should ever have to go through it. I know why you're so hesitant. I was glad to help wi

r shi

d in this manner. He was doubting his mentor, and

ay that he had to leave th

and worse yet, he had to leave two very important

ard pill t

l from Ginger's eye, but he refused to

ly serve to water

colding him harshly with these words

r's struggle, but he act

and attempted to steer the

mall, scattered scales could be seen over his warm beige skin. "Dragons, if I recall c

his scales. Right now they felt like

ew a long, dark brown scarf of ancient, scruffy

med lightly and held it tight, as t

scales around your belly... y

rned light enoug

prideful. So why would th

though with a suspicious whipping of the eyes. "Can't remember why. It's be


ity was Anc

still young. Aren't yo

ung-looking, clean-shaven

very Shaman lives to be 600. Times have changed." Ancor coughed awkwardly. He wasn't

oncentrated around his neck and abdomen for some reason, an

led that Ancor had started behaving strangely ever since, d

sending you away to learn. There's a school where you are going. If you do exactly as

ood started to slump again, and he subc

ou so sure that I should even be goi

their First Year at that age, if I remember correctly,

fitting inside the small, sagging sack of leather; a wooden c

this, but he managed to reel his

not 14. I

of it. Anyway, these trivial details don't matte

ked at it

e more useful to you than to

s it for a moment. This sling bag w

without it. Though that could be attributed

a small house into the bag with fierce satisfaction. He suspect

be giving h

as touched and gratef

ven for a little bit," he said while hanging his h

ushed the boy's c

enough to strain my bones, I can't imagine what Mana Essence would d

er s

his shoul

should go, right? What you will do when you are a big-shot dragon one day? They

crept up on

. If he worked hard enough,

his head, a li

s happy

iosity of yours shine. And for a change, let an environment full of children your ag

ords. He could see the confidence in


a strained

d deep IRRITATION again, as I'm sure

f Ancor, who smiled sheepishly, not sure if the brave smile

n. He and the boy knew what it was, but how it would i

only hope

d up st

alk to Ginger some more. Sooner or la

mall bird the size of a fist

. He looked at the

n had the time fl

and put on his eternally pan

, clutching the scarf

ying in another plane, and tears were battling against his ey

time. According to his calculations, the second s

Fetid in the air and gathered it tow

g, half terrified and half thr


ger strai

r gr

see that

en he

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