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The Odd Dragon Out

Chapter 5 Ira Otus

Word Count: 1799    |    Released on: 20/09/2023


voice of the oddly dressed man before him. He gulpe

issing him because of his attire when he w

Ancor had said

you'll be fine. In fact, I have a friend there. An exceptional dragon who is regarded very highly by t

nned the 'on point' fashion sense staring him in

iot's words seriously?

ipped Ginger's

t you had to say to me? You're already off to a bad start if

ocus back after a quick draw

ed several flavors of displeasure, and Ginger was attempting to sal

cted to its user's intent. As long as they knew what they

of folded paper and resp

was stuck with his arm e

o take it from hi

along with the departure of beast-drawn locomotives rang in

er felt once again, a crazy urge to sc

hing!' Gin

his prayer

r, but the look on his fac

this either means well or is making a fine effort to provoke

ded as Ira spoke, and

hat strang

heart in him almo

piece of paper

ile turning pale. Standing in front of Ira somehow made him feel num

e should run away and give up before more o


terous laugh


sion and the light-heade

round his neck and

know that fool Ancor? The human Shaman? How long

rdinary. It felt like he could squash him into a dra


uggled to maintain his

n pulle

discuss sensitive ma

spouted pieces of tales that Ginger could barely comprehend as if

though. It seemed Ancor was really friends wi

d doubted Anc

ously directly under the statue of the azure

to be born in the Wild. Not even the worst criminals among our kind are banished

was clear that Ira wanted him to satiate his curi

to answer was appar

d. Though, being conceived in the Wild for a dragon, while unheard of, will surely not be received well. It is impossible

r wit


e worst kind – potential-wise. Eith

was brought up, Ginger clenched his f

participate in such subjects," Ira said with a shrug. "And well... I hate to tell you this, but whatever favor A

raight into Ira's, sh

o. But h

k and tell him it can't be done," Ira cut off

dragon even turned from th

n rejected... It would have left hi


down a bit. Ancor had said something else

nger pulled out a small pouch and extende

how his lips curled into a lustful smile that almost turned his

turning inhuman. Then

have that stash he won back then. I bet

ncor not to open this pouch, and another out of the three he had, whi

l probably understand. I think. In case he doesn't though

his own strategy, Ginger had als

nger. He looked up to the viole

e from behind the wall, and a small creature came f

speed of flight, and more

d tell – as large and as long as a man's arm

out smoke, and its bulbous

er gawked at the cr

, but didn't elaborate. Instead, he extended a finger to the creature on his should

e chomped on the f

ispered to

it to

g shot up, disappea

for Ginger to follow h

t all about?' the plu

stuff with Ancor, but this was


know. He hop

ilence on the way back to the gate did

rrived at the entrance, a man dressed extravagantly

igure of the creature Ginger

f turn numb as the man dr


ooked too youthful for him. He was rather tall and had a

ended in a ponytail and an immacul

ht he looked

nturned emerald green eyes expressed malice or kindness, and his nose, whi

ade him feel like he and this m

id in a surprisingly deep voice while turni

ng as he manages to get enrolled and survive his First Burning. So do it," Ira declared with a m


he said, and his green e

et you to the Burning with

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