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The incubus system

Chapter 5 First partner

Word Count: 896    |    Released on: 20/09/2023

All the food names look foreign to me and the price for o

aiter in a neat suit standing next to her. She put

you want

said confidently. Although actually

rder on the tablet c

s some wine,

our table. "I'll deliver your order so

eatly arranged with fresh flowers and a candle. Smooth carpeted floors and classic music filled the room. This

ancy place like this I should

re wearing suits that

the woman's voice int

used, I can't use my real

e is Damian, mi

. My name

you, Miss Cami

out of her mouth af

, Damian. I'm a

ade me stif

r husband? Will I be the cause o

fine with this?"

the wine glass and spun it around slowly, her eyes

advice to find another man to have fun. You don't need to worry a

you about that," I said,

t. "There's no need to think about it," she said. But

aving an affair with another man and finally

be hard

father. His advice when I failed to get

ve up because it's one bad chapter in your life. As long as you keep going, your story doesn't en

my words, her face turning red. A couple of seconds later, her eyes


ew announcem


ns! You have g

ststream -

partner? What is this number 35? '

m Cam

ame, Damian," s

at. "Camila, forgive my i

me a teas


nly wearing thin makeup. Her skin looks smooth and her hair is well-groomed. I

23?" I


that young? I'm al

o be true, that

she asked after s

s old,"

rised after hea

r this profession. You have

I said wit

at me for a

mind if I introduce

ook at her i

she wants to introdu

, not now," she


sn't create proble

table. He opened our food cloches. A well-made dish appeared in fron

joy," said

nue chatting l

d to an

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