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The incubus system

Chapter 2 Welcome to incubus system

Word Count: 1243    |    Released on: 20/09/2023

eyes turning red. I immediately got up from my seat instinctively

body trembled violently, my feet stepped back slowly. I swept my gaze aro

-- Kkraakk

cover their faces and bodies. Their red eyes enlarge, their mouths widen, their teeth extend like wild

rds until my back hit the wall. Fear is clearly visible on my face. I wanted to scre

scared face and t

trate my skin, flesh and bones. The blood that came out of my wound soaked my clothes, extreme pain struck m


e body

ungry wolves that ate their prey. I can hear the sound of my lif


ed their gaze towards their attackers. Suddenly something flew quickly towards them and pierced their bodies

ppear like smoke in the wind. The attacker's form i

me. I glanced at his hand and just realized the snak

d waved his hand which had changed

human is still

matching colour with her hair, appeared from behind him and

ll Tania to heal

ay from here. Once they arrive,

. I don't want to die. There are still many

y mouth with my r

ly audible and every time I tried to let out my v

ile slowly devel

e moved slowly exploring inside my mouth. There was a strange power flowing from her kiss. That power spread, filling every cavity

ed her face away from me, her

, don't give up o

her while trying to m

o the empty space. A portal formed and she walked

t without explaining anything to

system. He will understand it really quick," she

ove my body at all, resignedly waiting for death to pick me up. They

.. I will su

o fade, my vision blurre




k, my eyes closed,

is on pr




is t

airing co

System in

ze in 3 ..

sure I wasn't dreaming. I tried to move my hand and my hand moved easily as if it had never been hurt at all. I

had turned into dust. I looked down and realized I was standing in the middle of my own pool of blood. I laughed awkwardl

e and I have to get out of here right away. I don

hed a jacket hanging next to the mirror near me to cover my torn and blo

lue and believes me-- I'm not making it up, my handsome face beat any supermodel and actor I have seen. Shifting down, I could see eight packs with lean muscles visible from my torn shirt. I hav

y happened?"

d the jacket and wore it as my feet immediately stepped out of the

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