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My burning desire

Chapter 5 Memories

Word Count: 5571    |    Released on: 23/09/2023

le looking at me with that same smil

holding back a chuckle. "It's a place where I like to go to be alone. I have to tell you what is happening and why it is happening, but more importantly I n

aking the silence a few minutes later. His he

d while laughing. He was so calm and mature about this. I couldn't understand why. Has

et about something I said

ing wrong?

then regretted ever saying that. My face was full of horror. He really thought I was a monster. He

is. Sam has her issues with me hanging around with humans, especially the way I described

a half an hour. I wanted to know wha

narrow trail way. I made a sharp turn int

the tall oak tree standing before him. Leaves blew from the wind and this a

tarting rubbing it soothingly. It reminded me of my old memory. "Hush, my dear

" My voice was cracking

lips to find his and he grabbed my waist bringing me closer to him. After a few minutes of this most of my clothes were on the ground in stri

memory. I stood up so fast and ran about 20 feet away from him.

athing hard. After about 2 minutes I walked back to him. "I'm sorry. I'm going to tell


id of me, but what I'm about to tell you, you might just

, Claire. Just stay with me a

I smiled. "Get on my back and hold on tight, and if you're a

y tight for a human. The warmth of his skin was soothing to me, and the voice

s. I then began to climb at a fast pace. In 1 m

ed his strangling grip and I set him down on the nearest branch. He clung to

" he s

n't me to upset you. Do you really

t reall

like he was stabbing my heart with

rough such a thing, but you said you would e

I have told you I'm not human, I'm something more. Something much more dangerous than you could ever imagine." I paused to look at his face, but he motioned for me to continue with eager eyes. I smiled. "Before I tell yo

seem strong by the way you fought that wolf thing, and you do

as worried what would happen if he guessed right. "It's ok. Please continue."

there has only been one monster I have read about tha

word monster. I guessed I

m." I looked down with an as

ife." He said as he put his soft hand under my chin. He tried to pull my face up, but he couldn't. I laug

ind? How would you like if I told I have killed part of your family?

about?" his voice aske

asn't an animal that killed her. Then after you explained what

ars the whole time. I turned to look at his face. "I realized that I killed your mo

hing. "Jason? Please say something. The silence is killing me." I said. I pulled his face up so he could look

? What were they really? I mean what did u do to her?" he asked. His te

m or don't you? If not I'll have to tell you. Tel

They found no blood in her." He was talking to himself and then I saw th


her! How can you be so cruel she w

good spirits. You said she was supe

d say

said she had an 11-year-old boy at home. That didn't stop me though. My thirst had gone unquenched for m

's not very edible? That's how you are with me. You smell great, but the edge to the smell is too much for me to even think about,

th me? It caused a reaction in me and I hope I didn't scare you.

se continue." He told

currently dating a boy named Cody. He was sweet and gentle. Hi

f nowhere when he said we could get there faste

worry it will all be over soon." He told me." My voice cracked and suddenly I punched the branch next to me causing the whole tree to shake. "I shouldn't have trusted tha

e. I had no idea Cody would do that to me. Once he realized what he had done he kept saying "Oh no, Oh no. What have I

. I was asham

to see you suffer like this. I don't despise him as much as you do though." He said wit

r mom would still be here and you wouldn't be in dang

ged at the word made. "You then you wouldn't be here now and I wouldn't have the girl I ha

Don't you want to die? Don't you want me to leave you alone, forever?"

u felt about me either, but I love you and I want you, Claire. I want you to be mine, forever. I realize you have done some bad things, but nothing could take a

ason." I said

oes tha

It's French. I said 'I love you,


ou now." I grabbed his face in both my hands and pulled him closer to me. I could feel his breathe in my brea

you to tell me two things. For one what was Sa

She is a shape shifter, although she took the form of a wol

open. How is it possible that he knew all of this? He saw my reaction and laughed. "I wat

ht. Sam saved my life once and I will be forever thankful to her, but right n

om died with no pain?" he asked. His voice seemed strong through the

st I want to tell you how old I am. Do you have any guesses?" I asked. He f

18? I mean you lo

" That threw him off. He started to lean back and he would have fall

he exclaimed. "How do you sti

ulsive, monstrous gift any vampire has gotten. I can cause things to have death. I can kill people on the spot with no pain or I can make their death excruci

erything I guess. "Can the rest of

fts, but my family is the most talented vam

his strap broke. When I found him on the ground there was something in me that wanted him to still have a chance at life, but at that time I was so selfish, I wante

tell you. Not only does my gift cause death, but also I can bring people back to life. To and extent." When I said bring people back to life I knew his t

't you save him with your gift instead of making him into one of y

ashed into me so hard there wasn't anyt

better than this. Control your thirst." I debated with myself. Jason heard me and

you then it has to be." He replied. Again he was worried about my well fare and how hard it is on me. Was

ion for me. I was so lonely. Now Skylar has been my best friend for ove

others gifts are?" he scooted closer to me and h

at least. Syd, now she can read peoples mind, to an extent. She's gett

k any physical attack about to happen. She

ng him. He seemed to have disappeared and I was having a panic attack. Then out of now

n go to different places with ease. She is also starting to be able to track where people are going with her gift. Then about 30 years ago she was strong enough

nt of silence he finally

" I r


question, Jason." I chi

d Syd's eyes are red?" I smiled wide enough to show part of

human blood." I answ

uman's blood too?

ade about 1 year ago. Sometimes on hunts though I caught her cheating. Th

?" he asked seeming confused. His face still ha

ough to resist human blood all around them. It's like a human living o

ime flown so quickly with him? It still feels like I have only been here for a few

sighed. And then I laughed. He didn

on the branch. He hesitated for a

ged into the air. Falling like I was a sinker lure in the water. It was all over soon. I hit the ground with a small thud. He op

eat while then climbing onto my seat. I floored

I walked him to the door and told him my good-byes. I left his doorstep and drove home. Angel was waiting in t

?" I asked. Her face th

y. I'm worried that something has happened to them." Angel said when

e." I didn't wait for her to respond. I was already out the door and headed out on a

is scent. It lingered around one

ying out loud! Since when is it a sin that I got out for some fun with a friend? You were never this protective when mom was around!" he y

r to his bed I saw that he jumped. "Sorry I didn't mean to sca

he seemed to take on her role. He thinks that we did somethin

e would try to seduce you. I probably wouldn't be able to do that in

rubbing his arm and I knew what h

like since now there are no secrets between you and m

want you to be. No matter how horrible it might be." He looked down again. Why was he acting like this? I was th

old him. He looked up and then went to sit next to m

on its prey. I took it out then I saw who was calling. W

c. I didn't understand w

strained. Why would he wonder i

uldn't I be ok? Tell me

th and it was fresh and heading in the direction of Jason's house.

ad at Sam for ripping my family apart. "He wouldn't. He knows what I can do to him

y harm you. With Syd and Taylor, his voice cracked at her name. And I could understand why.

seen what was happening and then I might have been able to put a st

just as much as I do, but C


s voice got the best of him, but

get a hold of this. Sam won't get away with doing this to our family." The way I used the

bout us? The real us? He also

everything. I've still go

tect him. I'll do what I can. Listen I have to go. Tell the

good luck." I said as the pho

explode. I wanted everything back to normal. I wanted my family back and it to

und Jason's waist and pulled him closer to me. I didn't ever want to leave this position, but I had some work to do. Luckily that work all

position and got in my hunting crouch, poised to kill. I h

get a call from Skylar too?" I heard the

call you first so I was worried that somet

r voice was ringing bells when she laughed like that. "Oops. D

and what we can do so don't be

hat'd you think, Jason? Are we mons

o happy that he wasn't scared of Angel. Then again it was e

u have watched him before." I chuckled. "I'll be back." I whispered in Jason's ear. Then I kissed his forehead. His scent

hunt. My eyes were getting so dark I was afraid they would go black. I ran a good 5 miles hoping for some luck that there would be a person alone. When I ran I found an ap

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