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Damian's Obsessions

Damian's Obsessions


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1198    |    Released on: 21/09/2023


sleep as her alarm

ood up from her bed and was about to switch it o

ed when the saw the t

ussed onswardly as she scampered o

under the running shower. She took her ba

nd put it on. After that, to pu

and decided to apply light make up on her fa

p the last night becaus

ted for an interview in a designing c

n she was finally giving up hope, they sent her an email three

ring herself for t

sides, her rent is already becoming due and there are other things

action when she was done touching

he mirror in admiration. She was very b

er hand bag and p

her phone screen. She scampered out of her apartme

??" The taxi d

signers." She mu

ver answered and zoo

and she paid him before

r." She said

odded his head be

craper. She still couldn't believe

lking into the building. Her eyes wa

't believe

interior looks like

the building whenever she pas

y. She hoped she

dream was cut off

nterview?" The man dres

She a

e?" He as

na Co

tered as he glanced throu

number." He handed h

for your number to be called. Go

d as she glanced at the pap

tting at the lobby so

called one of the

her head to see w

She aske

the interview is takin

r number is mentioned."

a sighed before

up next." The man tgat gav

d up and walked stylishly towards

le to explain what

r a job??" Selina asked lowly but it was

the CEO is very hansome

isn't appropria

t of these applicants aren't here because t

lied where ladies and they were all dressed like hooker

he CEO shouldn't be a man tha

two minutes the skimpy dressed lady entered the

n rejected." Selin

office happily and returning immedia

otice when it g

ty two." Th

lked towards the office. She shut t

she saw the interviewer's

EO??" She as

cking applicants for a job interview. He has more

first before nodding. He wa

terviewer said. Selina t

ing sir."

." He


living the way her voice

d hire you??" He asked again, th

work is one of a kind. If you hire me, I'll make sure you all wouldn'


ch really amused me." He

a joke?" She thought angrily b

et out a s

ckled when he saw t

n right now. I'll send you an email when I've discussed w

k when she he

been rejected a

d before standing u

for your ti

ad sadly before l

hed her every move i

d glanced at her

interesting.." He mu

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