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Conquering the Conqueror


Word Count: 1134    |    Released on: 25/09/2023



se more effective. Blood guard's curse was a wicked curse and side effect from the blood guard pact. Thi

fespan of the blood guard, sucking off their vital energy, while it literally has no effect on the master. Except strengthening the

will draw away twenty years of

l her sucking off my vital

viciously, her amber eyes now had a

sing the vital energy I got aft

and she laughed loudly, ca

s made you proud. And you will become my dog's little s


seeing anyone as beautiful

territory then, princess Jeniffer never made her hatred of my face a

pen" she ordered and her att

hem but I was too w

s slashed open making torrents of blood

Others normally slashed the skin but they targeted my vei

ed with blood. Torrents of blood kept flowing

orts were pitifully weak. Jennifer walked to me, slashing my

bowl and looked at me hungrily, as if it wanted to eat me too. I looked at it with my wolf ey

ars to fall from my eyes


e I heard my brother shouting

this?" He shouted angril

out of the palace. I was surprised w

ttle boy has alr

attending to my wounds and channe

med, sta

energy and cut off your lifespan? I w

y held h

ay now. Think about father, you will put him in an awkwar

and clenched h

ured more energy

ding headache

m giving more energy to m

binet and brought out food

must have discovered me while searching for me. He no

r stew and fried fish hungrily, dipping the bread in it a

et and hid it, before carrying m

away from my room int

y my brother when he was ten, he

ned with expensive elixirs and herbs which he gave me. He probably stole some of them from

d feel my vein re-connecting. He applied the anti-sca

sis. I will get more powerful and take us out

it, I slept off. Probably b


ine on my face an

recovered a bit. I stood up an

ll toll and my

which means I slep

er I always reserved

and saw that my han

w much thos

e. I noticed a covered plate and saw some food hidden in the cabinet. It w

house only to hear my br

turned sour at my fat

alized that I

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