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Conquering the Conqueror


Word Count: 1400    |    Released on: 25/09/2023



have nearly torn dow

r running along with the soldie

a beat and I ru

ee the people burnt to death by their fireballs? You're not yet eigh

and do nothing, despite being a trained warrior and one

st time he s


nce, but she chose to hide in her room. Even that fool Cain is being heavily guarded while he gives

fireball falling

nd leaped away, half-tr

e spot we left on fire. Some people w

out saving them at

brother's ha


planning to leave here with you a

mission from my father ordering

e summon too?" M

to the study, c

the Gamma's daughter and my father in the s

nd saw the hurr

e they get to safety. You must protect them at all costs. Once t

other, it contained jewelry,

other three ha

od and drugs. I bet they felt lucky to b

into a secret doo

remember your duty. I leave their safety in your hands.

d as I grabbed my bro

't fail me!" He said to me with a pleadin

y protect my brother, even

oming?" My brother asked,

ve In batches. You're among the first

ne knew it

uy time for the

nd saw that the

raced towa

y brother

ay in the rear wher

est and began racing out of the terr

e and quickly shot

g dog fe

're nearby

ong with the rest whi

we heard the thundering h

go distract them while we

at her in

ow to leave with my bro

a j

? Why ask her to buy time for others? She's no

om your masters. Obe

and unleashed the


yes w

g?" She stammered, making e

ask nicely and think twice" I sai

, Jennifer immediately stabbed him wit

on't give him the antido

, I felt like

" I roared, my

t open my hand, hurriedly t

entered his

if he doesn't take the antid

antidote" I

l save him. He's the Beta's so

riend. How can you watch him g

ced my mouth on my brother's, giving hi

keep him heal

d to him, pretendi

y safe. With the wolf's bead, I will find you soon. Look for purple

y eyed and saw the satis

ther" I whispered and

after all. We will all escape to safety" I saw the cold

and to Cain

d arrow pouch was already on my back. I unstrapped my bow and picked an arr

rother, wondering if

their race with only my b

ran towards the ap

ree and began to shoot t

as my

nt to kill and sac

st and unstrapped my sword,

ere a form

group of soldie

king two heads down

horse, in white

a bow in

ognized it from the book of legend

cape, I need t

kily changing positions an

y back and turned gasping,

en shot with, it was literally burning m

by cliff trying to esca

into my back making

f up on my swo

leport before me and stab m

lly again with a short dagger befor

e I saw was

rvive now

for sure that t

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