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Chapter 2 Floating away

Word Count: 992    |    Released on: 28/09/2023

age. Farley's baby was held against her chest by her dirty but colourful scarf,one end over her shoulder and the othe

ng to name her?" A

and to be honest I don't thin

nt her". Another

eliver her baby answered for her," because it is a weir

he already planned to give it up. She looked down at her baby who is sleeping against her

friend said, calling everyone's attention to Farl

her" Her male frien

u already have a problem with the village council,just sacrifice her to

her as 'it'". Farley said, looking at her

Her frie

r for you to just get rid of it now before it ruins your

ated him for being heartless

doesn't want anything to hold her back. She was already poor,she doesn't want to wa

t killed the little connection

. Everyone was confused for a second before cheering at her and running towards the water. F

t to do it" one

rley replied looking around

ater" Her male friend said, loo

s too mean"Som

ing towards them as no one noticed she wasn't part of the group any

he water was already reaching her knee. She dropped the basket and watched it float for a few seconds before shifting her ga

st looking at her baby. She knew

on her, waiting for her response. Instead of responding immediately,she bent down, hovering over the basket. She stared at the basket for a whole minute before removing h

he'll make it though. After a few minutes of thinking,she finally came up with the perfect name for her child. She sm

write on the label but her new problem is what to write with. Someone handed her a piece of charco

l on her lap so she can write better. After scribbling what she wanted to write on the label,she placed it on her naked baby's chest and covered it with her scarf.

she watched the basket float away. It was like the ocean wanted to take her b

rs, she was confused on why she

r" her female friend

plied, tears fall

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