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His Highness's little mate

Chapter 3 Lies lies lies

Word Count: 1261    |    Released on: 24/09/2023


was her brother or so he explained to her but she couldn't help the feeling. Her mouth watered as she thought of elongatin

ody and mind were on opposite sides. Her instincts were directing her to do things but her body won't comply.

saw the crazy look on Diana's face. He shuddered at the amount of hatred that fumed in her eyes. Even as she foug

about him or anyone at all. Even the pack doctors had confirmed that she lost her memories earlier. Wh

had promised to make everything better the moment they found her on the brink of losing herself to her wolf inside that forest three years ago. If they had fo

had to check if Decanal was still safely sealed away from Diana. He was gone for a w

haze of unconsciousness. The room was unfamil

ings. She tried to move but found herself restrained by an array of tubes and wires c

ad, her vision blurry, and focused on the figure approaching her. It was a

eak, but her throat felt dry, and o

ailored suit that seemed oddly out of place in th

You may not remember,

mily, but her mind was a blank slate. Panic crept back in as she grappled with the unsettling feel

matic experience. The doctors here are taking

She glanced around the room, noting the presence of a heart monitor, the sterile

n, his voice gentle, "it's

nted images began to flicker in her thoughts – flashes of teeth and claws, snarling creatu

g to his eyes covered in a patch. She blinked in confusion. Who are the vampires and

ack. They killed so many that we couldn't continue with your wedding” He continued monito

out slowly trying to push the pieces of the past roam

an odd mix of relief and trepidation. "You were a

he loves you dearly. The tw

more elusive memories. She could almost grasp th

g," Leonard

away when the va

fanged figures, their eyes burning with hunger, surged in her mind. Sh

Leonard went on, his

that you can't recall your past.

ke a character in a story she couldn't quite grasp, her past a foggy enigma. She looked into L

ow, Diana," he

ember everything. Y

he nodded, trying to reconcile the warmth in Leonard's eyes with the unsettl

and happiness that had been stolen by cruel vampires, Diana clung t

s than the story she was being told. Her heart ached with a sense of loss she couldn't quite place. She had no choice but to accept this new id

ounded like they were scratching their way onto her mind. It was really l

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