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The Journey of a Billionaire Son

The Journey of a Billionaire Son


Chapter 2 Early life

Word Count: 1606    |    Released on: 29/09/2023

ed Metropolis, nestled among the exciting urban jungle. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, not even silver a golden spoon in his mouth due to the fact. Ethan was born into a wel

and 11 inches tall. He decided to take up football, that evening he purchased a pair of football cleats, shin guards and socks and a football to begin with. It was diffcult as he had no previous experience in the sport and since this was something he wanted to achieve by himself, kept his training and ambitions to himself. One fateful day, while exploring a less affluent neighborhood and imagine how he would learn the art of football. He surprisingly stumbled upon a small community center. Curiosity led him inside, and he discovered a group of dedicated volunteers working tirelessly to improve the lives of those less fortunate through the means of proving football equipment and training. Their selflessness and compassion touched his heart in a way he had never experienced before. He decided to join the center as a new recruit. He began to learn the art of football, how it was played, he began to make new friends with them he then found out about their struggles, to them foot ball was a way out of poverty something he he knew nothing about. Some of the kids still envy him due to the fact he was the son of multinational billionaire and the heir to a great fortune. They felt like someone like him should not be seen in the community center. They all assumed that due to his status was the reason the coaches took interest in him. But no Alexander found out he was really special when he played ball as he had the ability to shoot, dribble, pass, cross and control the ball with both feet with out losing power, speed, accuracy and control. He was truly blessed as being two- footed was extremely rare and useful. It took years for others to achieve that skill still not to perfection though. But with his realization of new found talent. He began dreaming of playing football, envisioning himself running across the field, scoring goals, and feeling the rush of victory. After his first official match as a youth player under the community center's banners he performed brilliant and discovered he excel as a midfielder. However, his dreams were met with resistance from his family. Ethan's father, Mr. Freeman, came from a long line of academics and believed that sports were merely a distraction from intellectual pursuits. He had high expectations for their son, hoping he would follow in their footsteps and excel academically and later run his company later in life as that was his gift to him his life's work his greatest achievement. He saw no value in his passion for football and discouraged him from pursuing it. Despite his family's disapproval, Ethan couldn't shake his love for the sport. He would secretly watch games on television, study strategies, and practice his skills whenever he had the c

tle bit better. As he immersed himself in this new world, Ethan encountered people from all walks of life, each with their own struggles an

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