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The Killer Queen's Rebirth

Chapter 2 Saving Mr. King

Word Count: 919    |    Released on: 28/09/2023

you, Mr

with a stubbled chin, holding a silenced assa

saying goes, 'Take the

agle-like eyes fixed firmly on the foreign

a lifetime of military service, he


rushed leaves

hey turned to the left and discovered a young girl, about eighteen

turing little white rabbits, her long hair cascadi

hey seemed somewhat calm, p

rabbed the man’s leg, u

f the Xenia was a duty

happened to pass by this area, unawar

y and immediately aimed the gun at the

ding operation should not

ence was too much, as the girl bent

nful expression appea

t be sc

the nex

down the man with a spinning kick. She swiftly took the g


ullet hit its mark – right

rifle in one hand. Her black hair danced wildly in the wind as the chilling i


nd himself unusu

nly disarmed the foreign assassin but also tur

with his own eyes, he wo

?” Javier as

” Yveria’s voice remain

hearted person, but she wa

d body and used it to stop the

nd tore off the dead man’s shirt

neck bulging. Despite his advance

help admiring J

e, and sprinkled the gunpowder evenly over the wou

unpowder, creating a dazz

of pain. Instead, he stared a

d disinfection method commonly used

like something that could come from th

head of the assassin with one shot,

d this entire sequence of ac

a fro

vealed her name, “

played dumb, her background would

igated, he wouldn’t be able to discov

ched from a distance. Yveria knew that

hind and headed to

yed there

going to leav

hero and didn’t eve

e disdain

to her parents and boarded the bus wit

hway. The relaxed driver’s nerves suddenly tensed up as a Ro

lf–open, allowing the driver to catch

is features were sharply defined, with a chiseled jawline, and his deep, narrow eyes exuded an icy coldne


each other and disappeared in

ed in playing with her phone, co

l mission a

d she saw a line of text that o

first place in the monthly

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