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The love you give

Chapter 6 Mr Ace Hale

Word Count: 2006    |    Released on: 30/09/2023

nstead. Mama would be disappointed. I wonder what Eva would have to

t watched a man die in front of me, a man who didn't deserve the peace that comes with death. I curse under my

after gaining my freedom, I only wanted to do those things I knew Mama hated. But e

escape. I am not that girl, I hope I never get free of him, I only started living the minute I saw him.

ed a perfectly symmetrical face adorned by high cheekbones that added a touch of aristocratic poise. His gaze held

t deepen the kiss. He is only touching my face, but I am on fire everywhere. I

e controlled by him. "Never do that again or I swear Aella, I would put yo

l person; he would never love me. He is the first man I have ever kissed, but I have

speak when you ar

iff to avoid another crying episode. "I

rd with his hand, I shyly move to sit on his lap. I don't feel uncomfortable and only the scowl on his face stops me from kissing him aga

ating me. "Why were you scared Aella?" his breath fans my face and I can't help but notice the faint hint of mint on his brea

him bleeding, welcome to the club bro. "You

ut your permission, I almost got you killed. Ho

each other for a long time, f

loomed closer, the fire in his eyes dying down to a burning ember as he cupped my face in the palm of hi

close to each other. "Why does my father

n't respond. "

know if I would ever be fine. I would forever be hunted by the distant look in his eyes and the endles

n I look at his blood-soaked

ot; I understand how traumatizing

shed a single tear for Mike. I push his chest; he doesn't bulk but keeps holding on

and hungry, I prayed for him to come, and I was ready to forgive him if he

is. For a second, I start to sweat thinking he might make do with his threat and sp

ain Aella, not at me, not at

y quickly, part of my apol

n into is cruel and unforgiving, you mess with the wrong people and they in turn take away everything that ever matters to you." he strokes my hair, tu

l ask him about Mike, and maybe I might learn to forgive him. My heart weeps for Ace, he sounded so hurt

y pointing at his gun wound, his

until my head rests at the crook of his neck.


ately calm my nerves when I realise, I am in his room, on his bed. it smells like him; I smell li

don't like the fact that I woke up alone, I like him watching me, and as much

y. I swallow my screams when I am faced with two hefty men. "Fuc

lf "Please, can yo

raight nose. "Mr Hale has instructed that you get a tour of the house only if it please

tion for emphasis. "Ca

u like a tour t

deaf "I would see

y with shorter hair and a friendly face replied. what does he

he hospital then; can

ule tonight" schedule! I laugh, a full b

a straight face even when I don't stop laughing f

what I can have now, I am bored, and I a

n unison. "I will lead yo

to puke. I was hardly ever hungry; I only ate because Mama w

ss; you have to eat

e to eat. I have spent twenty years of my life bossed around by Mama; I refuse to let t

ne with the conversation. When they don't move, I go bac

like a pool, and I imagine sitting there with him naked. I want to see all of him, I blush embarr

ds. I do not stop dancing until I start to feel dizzy from all my jumping and shouting. I open his wardrobe, Well It is an understatement, it is like a room full of clothes. I pick up a white sh

pped up in Ace Hale that I forgot all about my pathetic life. I almost make my way back outside, but I am too angr

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1 Chapter 1 Death! 2 Chapter 2 Five bad things 3 Chapter 3 Dirty Martini 4 Chapter 4 Angel in distress 5 Chapter 5 Miss Aella6 Chapter 6 Mr Ace Hale7 Chapter 7 How can I please you 8 Chapter 8 Just a dream9 Chapter 9 I know it isn't love 10 Chapter 10 You are my heartbeat. 11 Chapter 11 DEATH BY ORGASM12 Chapter 12 HERE COMES VENOMOUS13 Chapter 13 Sometimes the truth hurts14 Chapter 14 Mr stalker15 Chapter 15 Next to normal16 Chapter 16 You were made for me17 Chapter 17 Don't worry darling18 Chapter 18 Aella is gone19 Chapter 19 Typical Ace20 Chapter 20 Deadly night 21 Chapter 21 Regrets 22 Chapter 22 There is no such thing as love23 Chapter 23 You should never have left me24 Chapter 24 No one else25 Chapter 25 I would always find you26 Chapter 26 Red is the colour of the day27 Chapter 27 You make me a mad man28 Chapter 28 The love you give29 Chapter 29 More than love.30 Chapter 30 Use your voice.31 Chapter 31 Drunk Aella.32 Chapter 32 It has already begun33 Chapter 33 Secrets34 Chapter 34 Results of my action.35 Chapter 35 Nothing would change.36 Chapter 36 I need a Friend.37 Chapter 37 I know there is no turning back.38 Chapter 38 Someone is watching.39 Chapter 39 The flames await.40 Chapter 40 I have died thrice.41 Chapter 41 I see red42 Chapter 42 Destroyer43 Chapter 43 Hide and seek44 Chapter 44 Nevertheless 45 Chapter 45 Time46 Chapter 46 Back to my old ways47 Chapter 47 The love I give 48 Chapter 48 Fading memories 49 Chapter 49 A lie50 Chapter 50 Only for Aella51 Chapter 51 Forever yours52 Chapter 52 Story of my lover53 Chapter 53 More than enough54 Chapter 54 Mrs Hale55 Chapter 55 Family gathering 56 Chapter 56 Famous outspoken Aella.57 Chapter 57 Under my skin 58 Chapter 58 Sometimes, let go59 Chapter 59 Pain for Gain60 Chapter 60 Be still my heart61 Chapter 61 Sex and Education 62 Chapter 62 Mr Generous63 Chapter 63 What was I made for 64 Chapter 64 I think I am pregnant65 Chapter 65 This man!66 Chapter 66 A kiss before dying.67 Chapter 67 My woman68 Chapter 68 Her name was Rose69 Chapter 69 Invisible god70 Chapter 70 One lie and truths71 Chapter 71 My lover and My killer