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The Dairyman's Daughter

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 4082    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

on," is the joy of Christians and the admiration of angels. Every penitent and pardoned

sed away; behold, all things are become new." How marvellous, how interesting is the spiritual history of each individual believer! He is, like David, "a wonder unto many;" but the grea

hat be endued with so excellent a benefit of God, be called according to God's purpose in due season; they through grace obey the calling: they be justified freely: they be made sons of G

eel in themselves the working of the Spirit of Christ mortifying the works of the flesh, and their earthly members; and drawing up their minds to high and heavenl

eing its evidences shed lustre over the disposition and conduct of others. Bright was the exhibition of the union between true

sired to evince the reality of her calling, justification, and adoption into the family of God, by showing a conformity to the image of Christ, and by walki

derable hill. It was surrounded by trees, and had a rural, retired appearance. Close to the churchyard stood a large old mansion, which had formerly been the residence of an opulent and titled family; but it had l

hich adjoined the lower part of the village street. Another winded round the curved sides of the adjacent hill, and was adorned both above and below with numerous sheep, feeding

assembling together at the hour of Sabbath worship. They were in some directions visible for a considerable distance. Gratifying associati

exclaimed: "I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord. Our feet shall stand within thy gates, O Jerusalem. Jerusalem is builded as

respective dwellings, and will soon be united together in the house of prayer. How beautifully does this represent the effect produced by the voice of 'the Good Shepherd,' calling his sheep from every part of the wilderness into his fold! As these fields, hills, and lanes are now cove

er to flee from the wrath to come; in teaching the ignorant how to live and die; in preaching the Gospel to the poor; in healing the broken-hearted; in declaring "deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight

ed that those many individuals whom He had given me to instruct, might not, through my neglect or error, be as sheep having no shepherd, nor as the blind led by the blind; bu

own home, I little expected to meet. It was the venerable Dairyman. He came up the ascent, leaning with one hand on his trusty staff, and

r sight by a projecting tree. They were talking of the mercies of God, and the unsearchable riches of his grace. The Dairyman was telling his c

rds beyond, and accompanied them

hope I am in time for Divine service. Seven miles is now become a lo

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get the better of it; but then again I have many fears. You know, sir, that I have cause to love an

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which he joined in the different parts of the service, excited many gratify

als recurred powerfully to my feelings, as I viewed that very congregation assembled together in t

rd is the Maker of them all; that all are alike dependent creatures, lookin

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r meet together, 'that every one may receive the things done in his body,

tory of man are these three perio

never separate these ideas from each other, but retain them in a sacred and profitable union! So shall our worshipping

t some reference to his dear child. He loved to tell how merciful his God had been to him, in the dutiful and affectionate attentions of his daughter. All real Christians feel a tender spiritual attachm

affections. She was the prop and stay of her parents' declining years, and they scarcely knew how sufficiently t

rs of his family history to the others,

e, all the channels of Divine mercy are open to every heart that is lifted up to receive out of that Divine fulness grace for grace. These are the times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord. How have I rejoiced to hear a faithful and lively messenger, just come, as it were, from communion with God at the throne of grace, with his heart warmed and filled with Divine love, to speak to fallen sinners! Such an one has seemed t

er of every perfect gift, that you may experience the mighty workings of his gracious Spirit in your heart and your ministry, and rest your a

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They are ambassadors in Christ's stead to persuade sinners to be reconciled to God. So that your calling is above that of angels: for they are afterward to minister to the heirs of salvation; but the sinner must be first reconciled to God. And you are called on from day to day to intercede with man as his friend, that you may win souls to Christ.

redeem us from sin-that you may have a sweet communion with Father, Son, and Spirit-that you may sink deep in love and rise high in the l

heart, to draw or attract it from God, who is worthy of my highest esteem, and of all my affections. It should be our endeavour to set Him always before us, that in all things we may act as in his immediate presence; that we may be filled with that

my own inward sense of his undeserved love towards me. We can better enjoy these glorious apprehensions in our hearts, than explain them to others. But oh how unworthy of them all are we? Consciousness of my own corruptions keeps me often low; yet faith and desire wil

; and in your next letter confirm my hope,

it in all your outward actions of love and humanity, in feeding his flock, and in the inward fervour and affection of all your consecrated powers; that you may be zealously engaged in pulling down the strongholds of sin and Satan, and building up his Church, sowing the seeds of righteousness, and praying God to give the increase; that you may not labour for Him in vain

learning, you can speak to men in all stations of life, by God's assistance. The fear of offending them will never prevent you, when you consider the glory of God; and man's immortal soul is of more value than his present favour and esteem. In particular, you are in an office wherein you can v

that, if they attend the Church-the minister to preach and the people to hear-their duty is done. But more is required than this. May the Lord stir up the gift that is in

penned in; and may God bless you in all things, and particularly your friendship to me and my paren

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or troubling you to read verses which others have written. I have intended, if my declining state of health permit, to go to --- for a few days. I say this, lest you should call in

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to you. Tell her how highly I esteem her friendship, and that I feel truly obliged for the many excellent sentiments whic

The praise of his Elizabeth was a string which could not be tou

as I pressed it; his heart was full; he could only say, "Sir, a poor old man thanks you for

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