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Becoming the Alpha's Pawn

Becoming the Alpha's Pawn

Author: Feeeee

Chapter 1 One

Word Count: 1504    |    Released on: 02/10/2023

iration dampens my underarms as I come to a stop in front of the room, my face a cold, ungiving mas

e as she can manage. So far, she's been the warmest of them all….and she's far from warm. If the pack members are like thi

to their feet, heads bowed in respect. I do the same, my heart thudding in my chest

ut it's…..so beautiful. It's like everything beautiful I know and love, standing at the other end, beckoning onto me. It feels like torture to shut it out. So I give in. My

before. He sports a trim stubble over a strong, square chin and I think his eyes are green at first till he blinks and they seem to shift color again. I'll conclude on hazel. He's dressed in a black dress shirt that's buttone

feels it too. This is not at all the way I imagined it'd be like. This setting….is far from magical. His face remains hard and

espective seats at the round table. And just like that, I'm the only one left standing. Once again, all eyes in the room turn to fix on me, and the scr

e whole room stares at me for an answer. Resisting a cold sweat, I straighten my spi

seats and my blood nearly boils over in rage. Once upon a time, Lyon Heroux was a dreaded name and Shadowflame was the strongest

whip of indignation flashes through me. He damn well heard me right. He

how mates are supposed to treat each other. My blood curdle

f the Shadowflame Pack of the South which currently stands a

iggles ensue after him, and the corners of my mouth tighten in rage. But I refuse to look at any of them, keepi

just wants me to say it, to beg for it. My throat closes up with pride but

our houses burned, our men killed and our women molested. We underestimated the Striders. We are holding up bu

vour do you

ilith Heroux is not of souther

der man with the most piercing set of green eyes I've ever seen. They blaze at me in anger. "She forfe

of promise at birth, no? My mother might have been cast out, but she never got to use hers. Northern blood still runs in

"Your mother might have only told you half of the story, kitten". He sa

he not told

r mother's family no longer sits on the throne and on legal grounds, I owe neither you nor your mother nothing". My heart drops to my stomac

ng to show. I think of what to say next but there's really only one thing I can do at this poin

my pride, I get down on my knees. A little gasp ripples through the room and I'm glad they all understand how big of a deal this is

ehalf of all of Shadowflame. P

d with each passing second, I feel the tea

expected this much. "Shadowflame shall pledge allegiance to us, a pledge to will

say without

his seat, a smirk appearing on his lips. "....is

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