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Becoming the Alpha's Pawn

Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1457    |    Released on: 02/10/2023

mind is faraway, rummaging through the recent events in my life, so when the atten

s, representing the color of Silver Glow. I want to ask them what they did with my red dress….but am I sure I really want to know? They've put

going to be treated like a Luna. I shove all those thoughts to the back of my mind and give a slight nod, following the omega out the door and towards the fa

one and I suddenly feel even more lonely. I don't know who she is but it felt good to know I had company besid

y from Shado

Heroux's d

oes it? She's just a

me women a

dark!!! In what world is

way. I hate this man with every last part of me, but at the same time, I can't deny that he's the only person I feel a kinship with in this room. H

een us in three long strides. I stiffen when he reaches for my hand but I don't pull away. That w

r so long but all of that will now be history. Today, I present to you, Valeria Heroux, former daughter of the Shadowflame Pack, my mate, my bride….and your Luna

up to my face in a caress and I stiffen even more, my eyes shooting daggers at him. "...but you should probably smile a little". He offers me a slow, venomous smile before turning back to the crowd. "P

and pulls out a chair for me beside him. There are already people se

tting by his right, he's the same man who had brought in the document of the agreement the other day. "....this is Luca, my beta". Luca doesn't offer me a smile, just a litt

of this, I hate the crowd, I hate the setting, I hate the alpha. All around me, the people are chattering

t all the food would be bland over here. I'm still chewing when I feel the weight of someone's stare on me. My shackles rise instinctively. To be fair,

nk to myself….and she's shooting daggers at me. If looks could kill, I'd be so dead by now. I glance behind me smoothly to make sure it's really me she's glaring at…..and it's me. It's really me. For some we

tch some fun pushing these people's buttons. The meal continues and all through, her stare remains fixated on me.

after all. Her voice is drenched in false sweetness. "The kitchen thought long and hard about what to make for our Luna,

not hunt or eat deers and antelopes. It's our way of teaching our children to tame the wild spirit of their wolves, to teach them not to harm everything that's weaker than them. Some animals will b

a smiles sweetly. The blood is roaring in my ears. Draaven continues to eat like he didn't hear any of this. I have ne

er the table and yank her by her stupid hair. I don't know who she is yet, but I definitel

I'm don

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