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A Journey To Changes

A Journey To Changes


Chapter 1 The Party

Word Count: 2345    |    Released on: 03/10/2023

rom my bed, after using a second to stretch my bones for the new day. As usual, I t

eard Ema hum the lyrics of the song she had composed a while ago . I rolled my eyes, I could as well join her in the melody because I a


eakfast made me stop listening to Ema an

ck and was about to leave the room when the door was v

he bus. Dad's got more serious things on his plate than cuddling you to school". Her tone stank of mockery, and in a flash, I h

e first words that left my lips as soon as I came i

ng up to your burnt face daily. I'm sure he wants some fresh air. Your aw

t talk to her that way." Dad's tone was clipped in displeas

y also burnt with the rest of her face?". She taunted and I chuckled, finding h

ends. You laugh at yourself too? Isn't it enough that your face is burnt? D

face daily and she kept faithfully to it.

r's face got burnt and it wasn't preplanned

upon as beautiful again, my grievance is that she dragged mum and Stave into it, getting the

She was only caught up in it… you can scrowl all you like. It doesn't change the story. And if you ever get back to your senses and wish to get the full details of

deadly and no matter how dad tried to cover up the fear on his face, my artistic mind h

into the sink and went on to wash and stack it. Then, I walked up to dad and touched him. As he l

ay, dad?". I

s nod was di

be fine".

holding my chi

d girl you are and one day, everything is going to fall into place." He looked deep into my eyes. "I'm gonna mi

him again, I caressed his chin with spe

If not for anything but for the fact that I smile daily because of you". I saw tears glistening in

him from seeing that my tear

and the disfigurement of his first daughter. Which man won't be unhappy but, I love his st

an inconspicuous murmur as

ing close-by waiting for me. My heart grew warm, he could be too sw

got closer, I noticed he was looking in a steady direction. I

like her o

ject, I wanted to distract him so,

ning." He had turned to face me immediately, I had voiced out the first word. He creased hi

rning and biked my way here in order to be the first person you'd see." His explanatio

ou." I a

?" He rai

s looking

're my little cousin and

im "You're just one year old… N

That's enough of a gap for me. I mean, I saw the world

se." I teased as we made our w


vain to shut out the noise coming from Ema's school

to deprive me of my night sleep by her consistent partying with

I walked to the window and pulled back the thick curtains. If I couldn't sleep, the

hed. Opening my laptop, I grimaced when I saw a tex

ove it, trust me. I'm waiting… " the

s in Ema's party. I replied to him with a sassy, "yeah right" as I switched slo

ed my feet to the window to draw back the curtains. I wasn't getting ahea

picked it up and opened the text after seeing that it was from Taylor. It was a picture of him, shirtless inside our pool and showcasing his dentiti

d feeling a slight headache. I had to be downstairs

h of a pain in

ckly got dressed. In seconds I was walking to meet Taylor at the pool party. He was no longer in th

o no no! I have

hem when luck ran out on me and Taylor called my name. I trie

is." I heard Ema say taun

back at her, I could sight Taylor a foot

dare game." She chuckled "Will you run off like the sca

ng to awaken my competitive side but I won't try that with Tr

top such dam

aren't anything crazy." Taylor's conv

with Ema on that game

me continued. The first two times were silly dares and I began to relax, re

my eyes went round. I had exhausted all my truths for the game and I had to play dares unt

r you drink a glass of vodka". She reitera

en". I gasped. I knew that Ema's intention was to get me dru

s waiting to watch me get drunk. My eyes met Taylor's and he looked v

irst two glasses left me smiling but after the third one, my eyes began to s

g along with the music. From the corner of my eye,I saw Taylor slam Ema's phone

e into the pool. I began to swallow water in large gulps and I started be

. I felt slender arms lift me up and place me on a cold floor. I s

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