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A Journey To Changes

A Journey To Changes

TreasureIfy Writes


Four hot boys, one girl with a burnt face, a twin who hates her and an overprotective cousin. A playboy, the captain of the soccer team, a nerd and a likable extrovert, who do you think she will end up with? And what happens when their single father comes home with a new found love who they find out is in love with his money. Will the twins put their pride aside and co-oporate to save their dad or will they keep fighting each other and turn their backs to it? Find out in this intriguing teen romance story, *a journey to Changes*.

Chapter 1 The Party

I opened my eyes and smiled at the sun's rays which bathed my face. I jumped down from my bed, after using a second to stretch my bones for the new day. As usual, I turned toward Ema's bed and as the well-arranged bed met my gaze, I got the answer.

Pulling off my nightwear, I walked into the bathroom to get my body prepared for the day. As my toothbrush was stuck in my mouth, I heard Ema hum the lyrics of the song she had composed a while ago . I rolled my eyes, I could as well join her in the melody because I am made to listen to it daily. I wish my dad would give an ear to Ema's continuous complaints about giving her a room separate from mine.


The sharp ring of the bell indicating breakfast made me stop listening to Ema and hurry up with my preparation for school.

After clothing myself for school, I picked my backpack and was about to leave the room when the door was viciously thrown open, and Ema's frowning face met mine.

"Dad wants you to come for breakfast". She gave me a quick once-over look then cocked her head arrogantly "Get ready to take the bus. Dad's got more serious things on his plate than cuddling you to school". Her tone stank of mockery, and in a flash, I heard the clashing slam of the door against its hinges. I shrugged, the arrogance wasn't a new thing to me, it had come to stay.

"Dad, you're leaving without me, today?". Were the first words that left my lips as soon as I came into the kitchen. Ema dropped her spoon and looked up.

"Oh now, you're gonna cry? Newsflash, daddy is obviously tired of sucking up to your burnt face daily. I'm sure he wants some fresh air. Your awful face suffocates him". She made a disgusted face and dad lost his cool.

He slammed the table angrily with his fist," You shouldn't talk to her that way." Dad's tone was clipped in displeasure but I ignored their bickering and relished my breakfast.

"Why do you stand up for her all the time? Doesn't she have lips? Or were they also burnt with the rest of her face?". She taunted and I chuckled, finding her taunt amusing. Ema's face twitched in irritation at the sound of my laughter.

" What's so amusing, huh?" She sniggered. "Little wonder, you have no friends. You laugh at yourself too? Isn't it enough that your face is burnt? Do you have to add a mental problem to it?. Gosh, I hate that we are twins!".

Ema had a hobby of reminding me of my burnt face daily and she kept faithfully to it. I ignored her and continued enjoying my meal.

"Stop being insensitive, Ema. Your sister's face got burnt and it wasn't preplanned by her." Dad took a stance for me as always.

"Oh really, dad? It was her plan all along. Well, it's cute that she can never be looked upon as beautiful again, my grievance is that she dragged mum and Stave into it, getting them killed in the process. Such a murderer". Her words were soaked in hate and bitter feelings.

" If you continue this way, Ema, you won't live a happy life. Forgiveness is crucial but it's important to understand that the fire wasn't caused by your sister. She was only caught up in it… you can scrowl all you like. It doesn't change the story. And if you ever get back to your senses and wish to get the full details of the accident, I'm always available." I was surprised to still see Ema at the door listening to dad's words even though she had the scariest expression on her face.

Ema walked straight to dad's face and said, "That time will never come." Her tone was deadly and no matter how dad tried to cover up the fear on his face, my artistic mind had captured it even faster than a camera. She then turned and pranced out of the house.

My relief sigh was not inaudible. I've never felt comfortable around her. I dropped my used plate into the sink and went on to wash and stack it. Then, I walked up to dad and touched him. As he lifted his face, there was a conflict of emotions in his eyes and I knew that they were all negative.

"Are you okay, dad?". I smiled at him.

" Yes". His nod was disorientated.

"Please, be fine". I pleaded.

He turned to me holding my chin in his palm.

" Don't let Ema's display of hurt get to you. You didn't cause the fire, it just happened. Keep being the good girl you are and one day, everything is going to fall into place." He looked deep into my eyes. "I'm gonna miss you, chum". He gave a generous smile " All right, you might not catch the bus. I don't want you to be late. "

I picked up my backpack and turned to him again, I caressed his chin with special precision. "I would miss you too".

With the closest I could do, I made puppy dog eyes and cooed, " Please dad, take care of yourself. If not for anything but for the fact that I smile daily because of you". I saw tears glistening in his eyes and the smile he gave was a watery one. I stepped to the door and waved at him. "Bye, dad".

I hurried away to prevent him from seeing that my tear gland wanted to do its job.

I know, it's hard for dad. The loss of his wife and only son who is also his last child and the disfigurement of his first daughter. Which man won't be unhappy but, I love his strength and his unique ability to chip in words of admonishment when they are most needed.

" I love you, dad." I made an inconspicuous murmur as I took my seat on the bus.

When the bus stopped in front of my school gate, I saw Taylor standing close-by waiting for me. My heart grew warm, he could be too sweet sometimes I wished he was my brother so I could see him everyday.

I stepped down from the bus and made my way towards him. As I got closer, I noticed he was looking in a steady direction. I followed his gaze and my cheeks burned when it landed on Annie.

He couldn't like her or could he?

I didn't wait to ponder on the subject, I wanted to distract him so, I walked right up to him and spoke,

"I didn't know you'd be waiting for me? I got the news of my dad's work trips just this morning." He had turned to face me immediately, I had voiced out the first word. He creased his lower jaw in a "hmm" expression as he straightened up from leaning against the school wall.

"My mum is your dad's sister. They are always on calls, I got the news earlier this morning and biked my way here in order to be the first person you'd see." His explanation made a little sense but I still felt weird after seeing him looking at Annie that way.

"Thank you." I appreciated

"For what?" He raised a brow.

"For always looking out for me."

"Naaa. Don't do that, you're my little cousin and you're my responsibility!"

I frowned, stepping away from him "You're just one year old… No, you're eleven months older…"

He cut me off, "Eleven months and two weeks, sweetie. That's enough of a gap for me. I mean, I saw the world for eleven months, two weeks and six days before you."

"Your accuracy is something else." I teased as we made our way into the school's compound.


Tossing and turning restlessly on my bed, I tried in vain to shut out the noise coming from Ema's school party downstairs which was blasting into my eardrums.

Dad's usual work trips have given Ema the opportunity she craved to deprive me of my night sleep by her consistent partying with loud music at our pool which is directly below our room window.

Angry and frustrated, I tossed my duvet away from my thin frame and got off the bed. I walked to the window and pulled back the thick curtains. If I couldn't sleep, then I would surf the internet, watch a movie or read a story until Ema's party was over.

I slipped into my chair by my reading table and sighed. Opening my laptop, I grimaced when I saw a text from Taylor. I opened the text and read it aloud,

"Come have some fun with us. You'd love it, trust me. I'm waiting… " the text read ending with a smiley emoji.

I rolled my eyes, he must be joking to think that I'm going to believe that he's in Ema's party. I replied to him with a sassy, "yeah right" as I switched slow music on my laptop to put me into the mood to research deeply into the night.

I yawned in boredom coupled with tiredness, as I shut my laptop and dragged my feet to the window to draw back the curtains. I wasn't getting ahead with my research and I couldn't just stop myself from dosing frequently.

As I was about to close my eyes to sleep after covering myself up, a text came into my phone.I groped for the device and found it beside my pillow, I picked it up and opened the text after seeing that it was from Taylor. It was a picture of him, shirtless inside our pool and showcasing his dentition in a toothy grin. He has sent proof that he wasn't lying to me and I smiled. Taylor knew just how to get me to come downstairs to that pool party.

I pushed myself from the bed despite being tired and feeling a slight headache. I had to be downstairs for Taylor or else I won't have my peace for weeks.

That's how much of a pain in the ass he is.

I grabbed a one-piece swimsuit and searched my wardrobe for a scarf, I found a colorful one and quickly got dressed. In seconds I was walking to meet Taylor at the pool party. He was no longer in the pool but he was sitting among the "cool kids" in the school in a cycle and they were playing what?

Truth or dare? No no no! I have to get outta here.

I immediately turned to leave and was a few steps away from them when luck ran out on me and Taylor called my name. I tried to pretend but he called it louder again and I had to stop.

"We are playing a game, sis." I heard Ema say taunting and I knotted my face

"How's that any of my business?" I shot back at her, I could sight Taylor a foot away from us. Just standing and staring.

"I know how scared you are of alcohol and the truth or dare game." She chuckled "Will you run off like the scaredy cat you are? Or stand here and join this challenge…"

I couldn't listen to her one more second. I knew she was trying to awaken my competitive side but I won't try that with Truth or dare. It had cost me a lot… I wish I could rewind time.

But, I can stop such damage this time.

"Come join us. It's fun plus the dates aren't anything crazy." Taylor's convincing voice came. I wanted to run away.

He doesn't know that with Ema on that game, I'll be fried sauce.

After some more persuading words, Taylor got me to sit with them and the game continued. The first two times were silly dares and I began to relax, reminding myself that this wasn't third grade and that Kimta wasn't among us.

I was thrown out of my reverie when the bottle's butt faced me for the umpteenth time and my eyes went round. I had exhausted all my truths for the game and I had to play dares until I was done with the game. The smirk on Ema's face told me that her dare would be vicious.

"The rule stands. You either do the dare or you drink a glass of vodka". She reiterated the rules and I nodded in apprehension.

"I dare you to drink five glasses of vodka at the count of ten". I gasped. I knew that Ema's intention was to get me drunk but what shocked me was where she was taking this plan to.

I shook my head and looked around the large circle of excited students waiting to watch me get drunk. My eyes met Taylor's and he looked very frightened. I flashed him a smile and he nodded at me in response.

One after another, the glasses of alcohol were drowned into my throat. The first two glasses left me smiling but after the third one, my eyes began to see double and by the fourth one, I had begun to sing aloud and act hysterical.

There was an uproar of laughter behind me as I began to dance awkwardly and sing along with the music. From the corner of my eye,I saw Taylor slam Ema's phone down in anger and unwittingly gave the cute boy beside him a blow in the cheek.

"Tay…lor, come let's swimmmm" I spoke drunkenly as I dragged a boy with me into the pool. I began to swallow water in large gulps and I started becoming heavier making it harder for me to stay on the surface of the water.

My eyes began to close and the students stopped laughing around me. I felt slender arms lift me up and place me on a cold floor. I shivered from the coldness as my body went numb and my vision blank.

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