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Chapter 4Ā Fate and Folly: Isabella's Desperate Gambit

Word Count: 1477 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 07/10/2023


t's no surprise that everyone exhibited caution, guarding their secrets as if they couldn't place trust in anyone within the industry. The rapid spread of news like wildfire l

competition quietly emerged, cantering around a singular focus ā€“ extending the warmest congratulations while coaxing more revelations from him. This information would undoubtedly se

n his return. Expressing anything about his newfound relationship proved challenging, especially since he hadn't openly confessed anything. Noah merely arched an eyebrow in response, a departure from his usual reserved demeanour. En

s laughter masking the slight embarrassment of their unsuccessful attempt to engage him. They recognized tha

y signalling his indifference towards their words. He made it clear that he wouldn't be swayed by their attempts. Their subsequent

nse. Their reputations as audacious risk-takers preceded them. Noah wasn't oblivious to their thinly veiled agenda ā€“ they sought to steer th

er, he had different intentions for this gathering. After acknowledging a few more individuals while maintaining h

e to our collective success," the superstar addressed the crowd, capturing the attention of those present, including the ever-vigilant media

found himself engrossed in his own discourse. Time slipped away unnoticed for him, but not for everyone. Cold, calcul

n't waste another moment, diving straight into the details of the upcoming project. The audience's interest piqued further; after all, it was a ve

e female lead. Anyone could potentially take on the lead role, offering opportunities for a diverse cast to shine," Jack revealed, ushering in a dist

or details, now turned their attention to Noah, seeking further insights into this intriguing project. The traject

almly responded, content with the shift of focus towards the project, a result of his calculated manoeuvres. Ye

equested. It's imperative that your actions align with my stipulations as well." The fervour behind his words e

k now is simply to enjoy yourself," Noah assured, his tone measured. Despite the apparent resolution of the sit


cognition, even in the face of undeniable familiarity. The call was abruptly terminated, leaving him in

our circumstances single-handedly?" her assistant exclaimed, astonishment evident in her voice

ffering," Isabella retorted, unwilling to bear the burden of responsibility alone. Her outward defia

life into a nightmare, a living torment that nobody will ever uncover," he

detailing the true nature of the person in question, a revelation that triggered a rapid transformation in Isabella's demeanour. Dread and realization set

words. Both of them were well aware of the caller's identity, and Isabella's immediate response was to feign ignorance in a desperate bid to mitigate the severit

leaving the country before he discovers your whereabouts. It might be the only way to ensure your safety," Isabella

mity of leaving behind her life and responsibilities to evade potential dan

leave before anyone becomes aware," Isabella emphasized, her focus unwavering. Together, they hatched

The urgency of the situation and the potential threats pushed her towards this drastic choice,

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